Stop Avon Road - bus 105 - live times arrivals
- 19 Heathrow Central Bus Station
- BS Newport Road
- BC Sipson Way / Blunts Avenue
- BJ Nene Road
- BK Bolton's Lane
- D New Road
- E Harlington Corner
- F Nobel Drive
- CA Oxford Avenue
- CB Craneswater
- CC Waye Avenue
- CJ The Avenue
- CK The Parkway
- X Cranford Community School
- Y Heston Centre
- BU Navigator Park
- BB Wentworth Road
- BC Brent Road
- BD Derley Road
- ->E Sussex Road
- H Waltham Road
- E King Street
- L The Green
- P Park Avenue
- N Southall Broadway
- E Southall Town Hall
- C North Avenue
- A North Road
- Z Kingsley Avenue
- X Masefield Avenue
- P Telford Road
- R Dormers Avenue
- S Allenby Road
- H Rutland Road
- J Ash Grove
- K Sunnycroft Road
- EU Avon Road
- EV Ruislip Road
- EH Eastmead Avenue
- H Pembroke Road
- J Greenford Broadway
- W Ruislip Road East
- X Costons Lane
- EE Cowgate Road
- GG Ingram Way / Bridge Hotel
- HH Uneeda Drive
- Z1 Greenford Station
- JJ Rockware Avenue / Greenford Station
- MM Greenford Station
- NN Birkbeck Avenue
- OO Courthope Road
- DD Cowgate Road
- C Costons Lane
- D Ruislip Road East
- P Oldfield Lane South
- R Pembroke Road
- EL Beechwood Avenue
- EW Ruislip Road
- L Avon Road
- N Ash Grove
- P Rutland Road
- T Allenby Road
- U Dormers Avenue
- V Telford Road
- W Masefield Avenue
- Y Kingsley Avenue
- B North Road
- D North Avenue
- F High Street / Southall Town Hall
- L Southall Broadway
- Q Park Avenue
- O Southall Station
- M The Green
- F King Street
- ->W Montague Waye
- BE Derley Road
- BF Brent Road
- BP Wentworth Road
- BT Navigator Park
- A Heston Centre
- B Cranford Community School
- M Quinton Close
- CL The Parkway
- CM The Avenue
- CT Waye Avenue
- CU Craneswater
- H Oxford Avenue
- J Harlington Corner
- BL Mondial Way
- BM Nene Road
- ->S Heathrow Central Bus Station