Stop West Croydon Bus Station - bus 154 - live times arrivals
- C Morden Station
- H London Road / Morden Station
- K Morden Court
- MA Morden South Station
- MB Chalgrove Avenue
- MU South Thames College
- ML Central Road
- MN St Helier Station
- RD Dorchester Road
- RP Rose Hill / Rose Hill Roundabout
- RU Rosehill Park West
- Q Cranleigh Gardens
- B Sutton Green
- X Sutton / Marshall's Road
- F Benhill Avenue / Throwley Way
- ->E Benhill Wood Road
- ->E Lind Road
- ->E Benhill Road
- ->E Byron Avenue
- ->S Kingsley Avenue
- ->E Carshalton Road / Ringstead Road
- ->E Carshalton Road / Cambridge Road
- ->S Wales Avenue
- ->S Carshalton Beeches Station
- ->S Staplehurst Road
- ->E Crichton Road
- ->E Stanley Road
- ->E Boundary Road
- L Shotfield
- M Stafford Road / Woodcote Road
- ->E Elgin Road
- ->E Milton Road
- D Sandy Lane South
- E Waterer Rise
- F The Newlands
- G Roundshaw / Phoenix Centre
- H Spitfire Road
- J St Elphege's School
- K Wilson's School
- C Plough Lane
- ->E Hannibal Way
- EL The Chase
- EM Waddon Leisure Centre / Fiveways
- EP Waddon Station
- ->E Duppas Hill
- KD Fairfield Halls
- WM Whitgift Centre
- B8 West Croydon Bus Station
- B3 West Croydon Bus Station
- WJ Whitgift Centre
- KA Park Lane / Fairfield Halls
- ->W Davenant Road
- WA Waddon Station
- WB Waddon Leisure Centre / Fiveways
- WJ Stafford Gardens
- WK The Chase
- ->W Hannibal Way
- N Wilson's School
- P St Elphege's School
- Q Spitfire Road
- R Roundshaw / Phoenix Centre
- S The Newlands
- T Sandy Lane South
- U Stafford Road / Sandy Lane South
- ->W Milton Road
- ->W Elgin Road
- N Stafford Road / Woodcote Road
- ->W Boundary Road
- ->W Stanley Road
- ->W Crichton Road
- ->N Staplehurst Road
- ->N Carshalton Beeches Station
- ->N Wales Avenue
- ->W Oxford Road
- ->N Ringstead Road / Carshalton Road
- ->N Kingsley Avenue
- ->W Byron Avenue
- ->W Benhill Road
- ->W Thicket Road
- ->W Benhill Wood Road
- G Lenham Road
- H Benhill Avenue / Throwley Way
- Y Crown Road
- A Sutton Green
- P Cranleigh Gardens
- RW Rosehill Park West
- RS Rose Hill / Rose Hill Roundabout
- RC Canterbury Road
- MP St Helier Station
- MR Central Road
- MH South Thames College
- MJ Chalgrove Avenue
- MK Morden South Station
- L Morden Court
- M Morden Station
Other Transport