Stop Woodyates Road - bus 160 - live times arrivals
- F Sidcup Station
- H Hatherley Crescent / Sidcup Station
- M Station Road / Crescent Road
- S Sidcup / Carlton Road
- W The Green
- HH Queen Mary's Hospital
- HL Leas Green
- ->W Beaverwood Road
- Z Ashfield Lane
- R Bromley Lane / Chislehurst War Memorial
- N Centre Common Road / War Memorial
- L Chislehurst / Ashfield Lane
- A Chislehurst Sainsbury's
- E St Patrick's Church
- F Albany Road / Green Lane
- G Chislehurst / Gordon Arms
- H Edgebury Primary School
- N Mainridge Road
- ->N Montbelle Road
- A William Barefoot Drive
- C Fiveways
- D New Eltham Station / Southwood Road
- F New Eltham Station / Footscray Road
- G Footscray Rugby Club
- FE Green Lane
- FF Halons Road
- FG Footscray Road / Southend Crescent
- FH Southend Crescent / Southend Close
- T Eltham High Street / Foots Cray Road
- P Eltham High Street / St Mary's Place
- M Eltham High Street / Passey Place
- H Eltham Church / High Street
- U Kingsground / Eltham Hill
- ->S Kingsground / Eltham Palace Road
- ->N Newmarket Green
- ->N Campfield Road
- WH Churchbury Road
- WJ Eltham Green School
- WL Westhorne Avenue / Eltham Road
- WM Sidcup Road
- WN Alwold Crescent
- L Woodyates Road
- T Baring Road
- K Parkcroft Road
- ->W Sandhurst Road / Verdant Lane
- V Minard Road
- W Sandhurst Road / St Andrews Church
- X Sandhurst Road / St Fillans Road
- Y Holy Cross School
- T Catford Road / Lewisham Town Hall
- AA Catford Bridge Station
- Q Thomas Lane
- J Catford Road / Lewisham Town Hall
- F Plassy Road
- H Holy Cross School
- J Sangley Road / St Fillans Road
- K Sandhurst Road / St Andrews Church
- L Minard Road
- ->E Sandhurst Road / Verdant Lane
- J Parkcroft Road
- V Baring Road
- K Woodyates Road
- EL Horn Park Lane
- EM Sidcup Road
- EN Westhorne Avenue / Eltham Road
- EO Eltham Green School
- EP Churchbury Road
- ->S Campfield Road
- Newmarket Green
- ->N Kingsground / Eltham Palace Road
- V Kingsground / Eltham Hill
- Y Sherard Road
- L Eltham High Street / Passey Place
- Q Eltham High Street / Pound Place
- B Southend Crescent / Wythens Walk
- FA Holy Trinity Church
- FB Halons Road
- FC Inca Drive
- FD Green Lane
- H Footscray Rugby Club
- J New Eltham Station / Footscray Road
- L New Eltham Station / Southwood Road
- M Fiveways
- P William Barefoot Drive
- ->S Montbelle Road
- P Edgebury / Domonic Drive
- U Edgebury Primary School
- W Chislehurst / Gordon Arms
- M Loop Road
- P Centre Common Road / War Memorial
- S Bromley Lane / Chislehurst War Memorial
- Y Ashfield Lane
- ->E Beaverwood Road
- HK Leas Green
- HJ Queen Mary's Hospital
- X The Green
- R Sidcup / Carlton Road
- N Crescent Road
- D Sidcup Station