Stop Merton Park Tram Stop - bus 164 - live times arrivals
- N Francis Grove
- D Wimbledon Station
- H Wimbledon Bus Station
- ->S Bertram Cottages
- MB Merton Park Tram Stop
- ME Wilton Crescent
- MF The Nelson Health Centre
- MH Wimbledon Chase Station
- MJ Merton Park Baptist Church
- MK Merton Mansions
- K St James Church
- L Ashridge Way
- M South Merton Station
- N Links Avenue
- B Morden Station
- E Morden Hall
- P Morden Hall Road / Central Road
- W Connaught Gardens
- X Langdon Walk
- Y Leominster Walk
- Z St Helier Avenue / Middleton Road
- ->S Netley Gardens
- RG St Helier Avenue / Rose Hill Roundabout
- RP Rose Hill / Rose Hill Roundabout
- RU Rosehill Park West
- Q Cranleigh Gardens
- B Sutton Green
- C High Street / Marshalls Road
- E Benhill Avenue
- I Manor Place
- J Times Square
- K Sutton Police Station
- O Sutton Station
- Q Sutton Station / the Quadrant
- Q Sutton Station / the Quadrant
- P Sutton Station
- R Sutton / Grove Road
- V Sutton Civic Centre
- W St Nicholas Centre
- Y Crown Road
- A Sutton Green
- P Cranleigh Gardens
- RW Rosehill Park West
- RS Rose Hill / Rose Hill Roundabout
- RE St Helier Avenue / Rose Hill Roundabout
- ->N Dore Gardens
- V St Helier Avenue / Middleton Road
- U Chester Gardens
- T Langdon Walk
- S Connaught Gardens
- R Morden Hall Road / Central Road
- F London Road / Morden Station
- J Morden Civic Centre
- D Links Avenue
- E South Merton Station
- F Ashridge Way
- G St James Church
- ML Merton Mansions
- MN Merton Park Baptist Church
- MT Wimbledon Chase Station
- MU The Nelson Health Centre
- MV Wilton Crescent
- MA Merton Park Tram Stop
- Z Bertram Cottages
- I Sir Cyril Black Way
- P Wimbledon Station
- ->N Francis Grove