Stop Pennine Drive - bus 226 - detailed timetable
- GB Golders Green Station
- GO Hodford Road
- ->W Dunstan Road
- ->W The Vale / Hendon Way
- N Hendon Way
- P Cleveland Gardens
- D Pennine Drive
- CK Somerton Road
- CL Cricklewood Station
- CW Cricklewood Broadway
- CX Sheldon Road
- CB Anson Primary School
- ->W Dawson Road
- ->W Henson Avenue
- ->W The Gladstone Centre
- ->W Cullingworth Road
- ->S Geary Road
- DA Dollis Hill Station
- DH Aberdeen Road
- DG Chapter Road
- WU Pound Lane
- WY Bertie Road
- HK Clare Road
- HF Willesden Centre For Health and Care
- HG Robson Avenue
- HH Roundwood Park
- J Newman College / Wrottesley Road
- D Park Parade
- S Willesden County Court
- HF Fairlight Avenue
- HA Harlesden Station
- PA Waxlow Road
- W Barretts Green Road
- B Central Middlesex Hospital
- H Abbey Road
- L Western Road
- R Radnor Way
- S Park Royal Station
- T Lakeside Drive
- U Bodiam Way
- V Twyford Abbey Road
- J Hanger Lane Station
- ->S Birkdale Road
- ->S Mount Avenue
- ->S Helena Road
- ->W Montpelier Road / St Peters Way
- ->W Montpelier Road
- ->W Montpelier Road
- SQ Montpelier Road
- SR Marchwood Crescent
- ST Castlebar Road
- D Haven Grn / Ealing Broadway Stn
- D Haven Grn / Ealing Broadway Stn
- SE Castlebar Road
- SF Marchwood Crescent
- ->E Montpelier Road
- ->E Montpelier Road / St Peters Way
- ->N Helena Road
- ->E Helena Road / Mount Avenue
- ->N Mount Avenue
- ->N Birkdale Road
- ->E Brunswick Road / Clarendon Road
- ->E Brunswick Road / Sandall Road
- ->E Garrick Close
- A Hanger Lane Station
- B Hanger Lane Gyratory
- H Bispham Road
- E Park Avenue
- F Bodiam Way
- G Lakeside Drive
- H Park Royal Station
- J Radnor Way
- M Western Road
- A Central Middlesex Hospital
- U Barretts Green Road
- PN Waxlow Road
- HB Harlesden Station
- HE Fairlight Avenue
- T Willesden County Court
- B Buckingham Road
- C Park Parade
- H Newman College / Wrottesley Road
- HA Roundwood Park
- HB Cross Way
- HC Clare Road
- HD Bertie Road
- WX Pound Lane / Willesden Bus Garage
- WL Meyrick Road
- DK Chapter Road
- DC Aberdeen Road
- DB Dollis Hill Station
- ->N Geary Road
- ->E Cullingworth Road
- ->E The Gladstone Centre
- ->E Henson Avenue
- ->E Dawson Road
- CC Anson Primary School
- CD Sheldon Road
- CE Cricklewood Broadway
- CH Cricklewood Station
- CJ Somerton Road
- E Pennine Drive
- K Pennine Drive / Claremont Road
- L Cleveland Gardens
- M Hendon Way
- W The Vale
- ->E Dunstan Road
- GP Hodford Road
- GB Golders Green Station