Stop Clydesdale Road - bus 248 - live times arrivals
- ->N Moor Lane
- ->N Kings Gardens
- ->N Briarleas Gardens
- ->N Upminster Park Estate
- ->S Lexington Way
- ->S Brunswick Avenue
- ->W Front Lane
- ->W Crouch Valley
- ->W Mersey Avenue
- ->W Severn Drive
- ->S River Drive
- ->S Upminster Tithe Barn Museum
- ->S The Fairway
- V Ingrebourne Gardens
- U Upminster Station
- C Upminster Stn / St Lawrence Road
- M St Laurence Church
- N Upminster Windmill
- A Upminster Bridge Station
- L Hacton Lane
- ->W St Andrew's Church
- G Hornchurch Town Centre
- B Billet Lane
- Y Abbs Cross Lane
- Z Harrow Lodge Park
- RE Hyland Way
- RF Park Lane
- RT Roneo Corner
- RX Clydesdale Road
- J Brentwood Road
- X Romford Station
- PP Western Road
- L Romford Market
- G Romford Market
- M Mercury Gardens
- Q Western Road
- Y Romford Station
- C Thurloe Gardens
- D Brentwood Road
- RZ Clydesdale Road
- RA Roneo Corner
- RB Roneo Corner / Tesco
- RC Park Lane
- RD Hyland Way
- W Harrow Lodge Park
- X Abbs Cross Lane
- A Billet Lane
- F Hornchurch Town Centre
- ->E St Andrew's Church
- K Hacton Lane
- B Upminster Bridge Station
- P Upminster Windmill
- R St Laurence Church
- D Gaynes Road
- A Upminster Station
- W Deyncourt Gardens
- X Ingrebourne Gardens
- ->N The Fairway
- ->N Upminster Tithe Barn Museum
- ->N River Drive
- ->E Severn Drive
- ->E Mersey Avenue
- ->E Crouch Valley
- ->E Front Lane
- ->N Upminster Park Estate
- ->S Lexington Way
- ->S Brunswick Avenue
- ->S Briarleas Gardens
- ->S Kings Gardens
- ->S Moor Lane