Stop Crescent Road - bus 269 - live times arrivals
- E Bromley North Station
- L Bromley / Widmore Road
- S Freelands Road
- T Wanstead Road
- V Plaistow Lane
- K Bird In Hand Lane
- B Southborough Road / Bickley Station
- J Bickley Park Road / St Georges Church
- C Blackbrook Lane
- A Chislehurst Station
- E Susan Wood
- ->E Camden Park Road
- V Chislehurst Common
- S Bromley Lane / Chislehurst War Memorial
- Y Ashfield Lane
- ->E Beaverwood Road
- HK Leas Green
- HJ Queen Mary's Hospital
- X The Green
- R Sidcup / Carlton Road
- N Crescent Road
- L Sidcup Station / Station Road
- J Hemmings Close
- K Birchwood Avenue
- L Melville Road
- M Wren Road
- N Canterbury Avenue
- P Foots Cray Lane / Hurst Road
- S Eynsford Crescent
- T Crofton Avenue
- U Carisbrooke Avenue
- ->E Hurst Springs
- ->E Grange Wood
- ->E Parkwood Road
- B Bexley War Memorial
- H Cross Lane
- J Riverdale Road
- K Bridgen / the Anchor
- U Arbuthnot Lane
- V Upton Road
- W Townley Grammar School
- ->N Latham Road
- E Bexleyheath Library
- B Trinity Place
- ->E Friswell Place
- L Bexleyheath Clock Tower
- E Bexleyheath Library
- ->S Latham Road
- Y Townley Grammar School
- Z Arbuthnot Lane
- E The Anchor
- F Riverdale Road
- G Cross Lane
- A Parkhurst Road
- C Bexley War Memorial
- ->W Woodstock Close
- ->W Valentine Avenue
- C Carisbrooke Avenue
- D Crofton Avenue
- E Foots Cray Lane / Hurst Road
- F Canterbury Avenue
- G Wren Road
- H Melville Road
- J Birchwood Avenue
- K Hemmings Close
- H Hatherley Crescent / Sidcup Station
- M Station Road / Crescent Road
- S Sidcup / Carlton Road
- W The Green
- HH Queen Mary's Hospital
- HL Leas Green
- ->W Beaverwood Road
- Z Ashfield Lane
- R Bromley Lane / Chislehurst War Memorial
- U Chislehurst Common
- ->W Camden Park Road
- F Susan Wood
- B Chislehurst Station
- D Blackbrook Lane
- H Bickley Park Road / St Georges Church
- A Southborough Road / Bickley Station
- L Bird In Hand Lane
- W Plaistow Lane
- X Wanstead Road
- Y Freelands Road
- R Bromley / Widmore Road
- Q Bromley Town Hall
- M West Street
- ->N Bromley North Station
Other Transport