Stop Northcote Road - bus 321 - live times arrivals
- L New Cross Sainsbury's
- M New Cross Gate Station
- T Marquis of Granby
- B Amersham Road
- B Malpas Road
- C Lucas Street
- SK Lewisham College / Ashmead School
- SL Tyrwhitt Road / St Johns Station
- SN Undercliff Road
- SP Loampit Vale / Jerrard Street
- D Lewisham Station
- N Belmont Hill
- P Belmont Park
- Q Manor Park
- R Brandram Road
- S Dacre Park
- L Lampmead Road
- K Lee Green
- W Cambridge Drive
- EA Weigall Road
- EB Courtlands Avenue
- EC Eltham Road / Kidbrooke Park Road
- ED Sutcliffe Park
- EE Eltham Road / Westhorne Avenue
- EK Eltham Hill / Westhorne Avenue
- ->E Vandyke Cross
- X Kingsground
- Y Sherard Road
- L Eltham High Street / Passey Place
- Q Eltham High Street / Pound Place
- B Southend Crescent / Wythens Walk
- FA Holy Trinity Church
- FB Halons Road
- FC Inca Drive
- FD Green Lane
- H Footscray Rugby Club
- J New Eltham Station / Footscray Road
- Q Thaxted Road
- R County Gate
- ->E Marechal Niel Parade
- ->E Northcote Road
- ->E Sydney Road
- ->E Christchurch Road
- P Main Road / Station Road
- T Sidcup High Street / Station Road
- Y Church Road
- ->E Knoll Road
- ->E Middleton Avenue
- FP Cray Road / Foots Cray High Street
- FQ Mayfield Villas
- FR Crittall's Corner
- FY Foots Cray Tesco
- FY Foots Cray Tesco
- FS Crittall's Corner
- FT Suffolk Road
- FU Sidcup Hill / Cray Road
- ->W Middleton Avenue
- ->W Knoll Road
- Z Church Road
- U Sidcup High Street / Station Road
- ->W Christchurch Road
- ->W Sydney Road
- ->W Northcote Road
- ->W Marechal Niel Parade
- S County Gate
- T Thaxted Road
- U Footscray Road / Southwood Road
- F New Eltham Station / Footscray Road
- G Footscray Rugby Club
- FE Green Lane
- FF Halons Road
- FG Footscray Road / Southend Crescent
- FH Southend Crescent / Southend Close
- T Eltham High Street / Foots Cray Road
- P Eltham High Street / St Mary's Place
- M Eltham High Street / Passey Place
- H Eltham Church / High Street
- W Kingsground
- WD Greenway
- WE Eltham Hill / Middle Park Avenue
- WP Eltham Road / Westhorne Avenue
- WR Cedarhurst Drive
- WS Eltham Road / Kidbrooke Park Road
- WT Courtlands Avenue
- WU Weigall Road
- X Cambridge Drive
- J Lee Green
- N Lampmead Road
- T Dacre Park
- U Brandram Road
- V Belmont Park
- W Marischal Road
- M Belmont Hill
- E Lewisham Police Station
- J Lewisham Station
- F Lewisham Station / Loampit Vale
- SG Loampit Vale / Jerrard Street
- SH Undercliff Road
- SJ Lewisham College
- D Lucas Street
- E Malpas Road
- F Amersham Road
- X Marquis of Granby / Goldsmiths
- O New Cross Gate Station
- ->N New Cross Sainsbury's