Stop Courthouse Road - bus 326 - live times arrivals
- C Brent Cross Shopping Centre
- E Spalding Road
- S Graham Road
- F Hendon Central Station
- O Hendon Town Hall
- Q Middlesex University
- ->E Church End
- S The Quadrant
- ->E Alexandra Road
- ->E Great North Way
- ->E Broughton Avenue
- ->N Crooked Usage
- P Arden Road
- Q St Mary's Avenue
- G St Mary's Church
- E Dollis Park / Finchley Central Stn
- F Finchley Central
- ->N Eversleigh Road
- ->N Nether Street / West Finchley
- ->N Chilvins Court
- ->N West Finchley Station
- ->N Courthouse Road
- ->N Argyle Road / Courthouse Road
- ->W Sussex Ring
- ->N Chanctonbury Way
- ->N Southover
- ->N Tillingham Way
- ->N Northiam
- ->N Chiddingfold
- ->S Laurel Way
- ->N Longland Drive
- ->N Greenway / Totteridge
- ->N Hill Crescent
- A Totteridge & Whetstone Station
- J Athenaeum Road
- K Chandos Avenue
- ->N Buckingham Avenue
- ->N Friern Mount Drive
- L Walfield Avenue
- M Pricklers Hill
- N Hasluck Gardens
- ->E Monks Avenue
- BU Lancaster Road
- BQ Crescent Road
- BS Victoria Road
- B New Barnet Sainsbury's
- E New Barnet Station / Station Road
- S Warwick Road
- T Barnet Everyman Cinema
- Underhill
- ->E Mays Lane / Brent Place
- ->S Hera Avenue
- ->E Elton Avenue
- ->E Vale Avenue
- W Underhill
- Q High Barnet Station
- L Barnet Church
- J Barnet High Street
- B St Albans Road
- S The Spires
- S The Spires
- T Salisbury Road
- D Barnet High Street
- H Barnet High Street / Barnet Church
- N High Barnet Station / Meadway
- R High Barnet Station
- Underhill
- ->E Mays Lane / Brent Place
- ->S Hera Avenue
- ->E Elton Avenue
- ->E Vale Avenue
- A Potters Lane
- B Barnet Everyman Cinema
- C Warwick Road
- D New Barnet Station / Station Road
- C New Barnet Sainsbury's
- BA Victoria Road
- BT Crescent Road
- ->W York Road
- ->W Lyonsdown Avenue
- H Hasluck Gardens
- J Lyonsdown Road
- K Walfield Avenue
- ->S Friern Mount Drive
- L Chandos Avenue
- M High Road Whetstone / Athenaeum Road
- B Totteridge & Whetstone Stn
- ->S Greenway / Totteridge
- ->S Longland Drive
- ->S Laurel Way
- ->S Chiddingfold
- ->S Northiam
- ->S Tillingham Way
- ->S Southover
- ->S Chanctonbury Way
- ->N Sussex Ring
- ->S Argyle Road / Courthouse Road
- ->S Courthouse Road
- ->S West Finchley Station
- ->S Chilvins Court
- ->S Nether Street / West Finchley
- ->S Elm Park Road / West Finchley
- K Finchley Central
- H Hendon Lane
- S East End Road
- L Gravel Hill
- M St Mary's Avenue
- N Arden Road
- ->S Crooked Usage
- ->W Broughton Avenue
- ->W Great North Way
- ->W Alexandra Road
- T Hendon / the Quadrant
- R Church End
- P Hendon Town Hall
- N Watford Way
- J Hendon War Memorial
- G Hendon Central Station
- ->S Beaufort Gardens
- H North Circular Road
- F Prince Charles Drive
- A Brent Cross Shopping Centre