Stop Aldwych / Drury Lane - bus 341 - live times arrivals
- F Waterloo Station / Waterloo Road
- P Waterloo Bridge / South Bank
- T Lancaster Place
- D Aldwych
- L The Royal Courts of Justice
- ->E Fetter Lane
- E Ludgate Circus
- M Fleet Street / City Thameslink
- HS Snow Hill
- A Farringdon Station
- ->N Clerkenwell Road
- CM Rosebery Avenue / Mount Pleasant
- CH Tysoe Street
- UA Hardwick Street
- UB Sadler's Wells Theatre
- P St John Street / Goswell Road
- X Angel Station
- C Islington Green
- K Packington Street
- EA Cross Street
- EB Essex Road Station
- EE Northchurch Road
- EF Ockendon Road
- CJ Newington Green Road / Balls Pond Road
- CK Beresford Road
- NK Newington Green
- NL Aden Grove
- NN Petherton Road
- PP Green Lanes / Stoke Newington Church St
- PR Riversdale Road
- PU Kings Crescent Estate
- PV Brownswood Road
- M Myddleton Avenue
- N Gloucester Drive
- K Manor House Station
- A Manor House Station / Woodberry Grove
- HD Rowley Gardens
- HE Endymion Road
- HF Harringay Green Lanes Station
- HG Mattison Road
- HH St Ann's Road
- HL Harringay Road
- HP Warwick Gardens
- HS Chestnuts Primary School
- H Abbotsford Avenue
- D Philip Lane
- E Summerhill Road
- F Mount Pleasant Road
- G Winchelsea Road
- T Tottenham Bus Garage
- F Tottenham Police Station
- J Bruce Grove Station
- R Lordship Lane
- U Tottenham High Road
- NL Spencer Road
- NM Chalgrove Road
- NB Northumberland Park
- NH Leeside Road
- K Meridian Water Station
- L Meridian Water Station
- NE Leeside Road
- NA Northumberland Park
- NJ Chalgrove Road
- NK Spencer Road
- W Tottenham High Road
- B Scotland Green
- C Tottenham High Road / Bruce Grove Stn
- D Tottenham Police Station
- S Tottenham Bus Garage
- P Winchelsea Road
- Q Mount Pleasant Road
- R Summerhill Road
- S Philip Lane
- W Abbotsford Avenue
- HR Chestnuts Primary School
- HX Warwick Gardens
- HN Mattison Road
- HM Harringay Green Lanes Station
- HB Endymion Road
- HC Rowley Gardens
- C Manor House Station
- J Portland Rise Estate
- L Gloucester Drive
- PD Lordship Park
- PJ Kings Crescent Estate
- PK Riversdale Road
- PN Stoke Newington Church Street
- NP Petherton Road
- NQ Aden Grove
- NR Albion Road
- NE Newington Green
- CA Beresford Road
- CB Balls Pond Road
- CG Essex Road / Marquess Road
- EJ Essex Road Station
- E Cross Street
- A Packington Street
- D Islington Green
- F Angel Station
- M St John Street / Goswell Road
- UC Sadler's Wells Theatre
- UD Finsbury Town Hall
- CJ Mount Pleasant
- CL Bowling Green Lane
- H Clerkenwell Road
- B Farringdon Station
- HT Charterhouse Street
- L Fleet Street / City Thameslink
- ->W Fetter Lane
- ->W Chancery Lane
- P The Royal Courts of Justice
- G Aldwych / Australia House
- S Aldwych / Drury Lane
- N Waterloo Bridge / South Bank
- E Waterloo Station / Waterloo Road
Other Transport