Stop Barking Tesco - bus 366 - live times arrivals
- B Beckton Bus Station
- H Beckton Station
- K Savage Gardens
- N Royal Docks Medical Centre
- M Cyprus Station
- X Ferndale Street
- B Gallions Reach Roundabout
- C Gallions Reach Station
- G Armada Point
- ->E Beckton Dlr Depot
- ->N Hornet Way
- S Gallions Reach Shopping Park
- D Beckton Triangle Retail Park
- A East Beckton / Sainsbury's
- C Beckton Triangle Retail Park
- ->N Jenkins Lane
- ->N Quay Road
- P North Street
- D Barking Town Centre
- L Barking Station
- Q Longbridge Road
- K Victoria Road
- S Buttsbury Road
- T Bankside Road
- BW Loxford Youth Centre
- BX Loxford School of Science and Technology
- BT Loxford Lane
- ->W Eton Road
- ->N Sunnyside Road Loxford
- ->N Sunnyside Road / Windsor Road
- ->N Sunnyside Road / Albert Road
- Z Winston Way Primary School
- W Hainault Street
- Q Redbridge Central Library
- M High Road Ilford
- G Ilford Station
- VL Beal Road
- VM Northbrook Road
- VQ De Vere Gardens
- VS Seymour Gardens
- VT St Andrew's Church
- ->N Cranbrook Primary School
- ->N Wanstead Lane
- RL Castleview Gardens
- RN The Drive
- RC Redbridge Station
- RB Redbridge Station
- Redbridge La E / Fernhall Dr
- Vista Drive
- ->N Redbridge Lane East / Falmouth Gardens
- ->N Vista Drive
- ->N Bergholt Avenue
- ->N Falmouth Gardens
- ->S Falmouth Gardens
- ->S Falmouth Gardens
- Falmouth Gardens
- ->S Roding Lane S / Vista Drive
- Roding Lane S / Vista Drive
- RH Redbridge Station
- RK The Drive Methodist Church
- ->S Wanstead Lane
- VZ Cranbrook Primary School
- VU St Andrew's Church
- VV Seymour Gardens
- VX De Vere Gardens
- VY Cranbrook Road
- VH Coventry Road
- K Ilford Station
- R Redbridge Central Library
- T Hainault Street
- ->S Sunnyside Road / Albert Road
- ->S Sunnyside Road Loxford
- ->E South Park Road / Eton Road
- ->E Eton Road
- ->S Eton Road
- BU Loxford School of Science and Technology
- BV Loxford Youth Centre
- U Bankside Road
- V Buttsbury Road
- H Loxford Polyclinic
- ->S Park Avenue
- R Longbridge Road
- N Barking Station
- C Barking Town Centre
- F North Street
- Z Barking Tesco
- ->S Quay Road
- ->S Jenkins Lane
- D Beckton Triangle Retail Park
- A East Beckton / Sainsbury's
- C Beckton Triangle Retail Park
- R Gallions Reach Shopping Park
- ->S Hornet Way
- ->W Beckton Dlr Depot
- H Armada Point
- D Gallions Reach Station
- E Ferndale Street
- W Devalls Close
- Q Cyprus Station
- P Royal Docks Medical Centre
- L Savage Gardens
- A Beckton Bus Station