Stop Forthbridge Road - bus 37 - live times arrivals
- E Peckham Bus Station
- N The Aylesham Centre
- V Peckham Rye Station
- EA Nigel Road
- EB Peckham Rye / Nunhead Lane
- WU East Dulwich Road / Peckham Rye
- WV Oakhurst Grove
- H East Dulwich Road / Goose Green
- B Derwent Grove
- C Tessa Jowell Health Centre
- VE Townley Road
- VF Dulwich Village
- VA North Dulwich Station
- VX Beckwith Road
- Y Ruskin Walk
- E Herne Hill
- L Herne Hill Station
- S Brockwell Lido
- T Chaucer Road / Effra Parade
- V Brixton Water Lane
- N Morval Road
- P St Matthews Estate
- V Lambeth Town Hall
- B Belvedere Place
- C Solon Road
- D Bedford Road
- F Park Hill
- K Clapham Common Station
- M Long Road / Clapham Common
- N Rookery Road
- P Cedars Road
- X Forthbridge Road
- ->W Sisters Avenue
- ->W Eccles Road
- Z Northcote Road
- V Clapham Junction / the Northcote
- M Clapham Junction Station
- ->W Plough Road
- SA Brussels Road
- SB Marcilly Road
- SH Huguenot Place / Alma Road
- SJ Herndon Road
- P Wandsworth Town Hall
- Y Wandsworth Police Station
- Z Merton Road
- EF Galveston Road
- EC Manfred Road
- EB East Putney Station
- G Putney Station
- P Lytton Grove
- L Putney Heath / Green Man
- M Putney Hill / Green Man
- N Lytton Grove
- C St John's Avenue
- F Putney Station
- EA East Putney Station
- ED Manfred Road
- EE Galveston Road
- A Merton Road
- E Armoury Way
- N Wandsworth Town Hall
- A East Hill / Alma Road
- B Marcilly Road
- C Plough Road
- C Clapham Junction Station
- T Clapham Junction Stn / the Falcon
- Y Clapham Junction / the Northcote
- ->E Eccles Road
- ->E Sisters Avenue
- U Forthbridge Road
- V Cedars Road
- Y Rookery Road
- L Long Road / Clapham Common
- E Clapham Common Station
- H Park Hill
- E Bedford Road
- F Solon Road
- G Belvedere Place
- A Lambeth Town Hall
- ZA St Matthew's Church
- A St Matthews Estate
- B Morval Road
- Q Dalberg Road / Effra Parade
- R Milton Road
- Z Brockwell Lido
- N Herne Hill Station
- D Herne Hill
- X Ruskin Walk
- VZ Beckwith Road
- VB North Dulwich Station
- VC Townley Road
- T Tessa Jowell Health Centre
- U Derwent Grove
- J Goose Green
- G East Dulwich Road / Goose Green
- WH Oakhurst Grove
- WJ East Dulwich Road / Peckham Rye
- WM Nigel Road
- X Heaton Road
- U Peckham Rye Station
- M The Aylesham Centre
- ->W Peckham Bus Station