Stop Wat Tyler Road / Dartmouth Grove - bus 380 - detailed timetable
- O Molesworth Street / Riverdale House
- G Lewisham Station
- ->N Lewisham Hill
- ->N St. Austell Road
- ->N Wat Tyler Road / Dartmouth Grove
- ->E Hare & Billet Road
- ->E Mounts Pond Road
- Hare & Billet Road
- G Royal Parade
- H The Clarendon Hotel
- P Maze Hill
- BU Vanbrugh Park / Beaconsfield Road
- BC Blackheath / Royal Standard
- ->N Bramshot Avenue
- ->E Wyndcliff Road
- ->W Victoria Way
- W Elliscombe Road
- K Sundorne Road
- L Nadine Street
- S St Luke's Church / Charlton
- R Charlton Village
- F Charlton Lane
- G Pound Park Road
- H Kinveachy Gardens
- J St Thomas Church
- K Morris Walk Estate
- DD Samuel Street
- DB Woolwich Dockyard Station
- ->S Red Barracks Road
- ->E Artillery Place / Frances Street
- P The Woolwich Centre
- Q Woolwich Arsenal Station
- K Woolwich
- ->E Maxey Road
- WW Plumstead Bus Garage
- S Tom Cribb Road
- Carronade Place
- ->N Heronsgate Primary School
- ->N Wigeon Path
- ->N Gallions Park
- ->N Ridge Close
- ->E Bluebird Way
- A Miles Drive
- B Barnham Drive
- C New Acres Road
- E Goldfinch Road
- F Princess Alice
- G Belmarsh Prison
- G Belmarsh Prison
- H Goldfinch Road
- K Kentlea Road
- L Barnham Drive
- M Miles Drive
- G Bluebird Way
- ->S Ridge Close
- ->S Gallions Park
- ->S Wigeon Path
- Heronsgate Primary School
- ->S Carronade Place
- WT Tom Cribb Road
- WL Plumstead Road / Plumstead Station
- WP Greenwich Community College
- ->W Maxey Road
- Z Woolwich
- H Woolwich Arsenal Station
- S The Woolwich Centre
- X Artillery Place / John Wilson Street
- ->W Artillery Place / Frances Street
- ->N Red Barracks Road
- DA Woolwich Dockyard Station
- DC Prospect Vale
- L Morris Walk Estate
- M St Thomas Church
- N Kinveachy Gardens
- P Pound Park Road
- R Charlton Lane
- Q Charlton Park Road
- N St Luke's Church / Charlton
- M Nadine Street
- U Sundorne Road
- V Victoria Way
- ->W Wyndcliff Road
- ->S Bramshot Avenue
- BD Blackheath / Royal Standard
- BL Vanbrugh Park / Stratheden Road
- BX Vanbrugh Park / Beaconsfield Road
- Q Maze Hill
- J The Clarendon Hotel
- F Tranquil Vale
- ->W Hare & Billet Road
- Hare & Billet Road
- ->S Wat Tyler Road / Dartmouth Grove
- ->S Lewisham Hill
- H Lewisham Station
- Q Molesworth Street