- II Westway Cross Retail Park
- JJ Rockware Avenue / Greenford Station
- Auriol Drive
- ->N Oldfields Circus / Carr Road
- Orchard Close / The Fairway
- ->S The Fairway / Glamis Way
- ->W Castle Road / Glamis Way
- ->W Castle Road / Oriel Way
- B Northolt Station
- D Moat Farm Road
- N Islip Manor Park
- Eastcote Lane
- ->E Sussex Crescent
- ->E Kempton Avenue
- ->E Cheltenham Close
- ->E Newmarket Avenue
- NB Danemead Grove
- NC Northolt Park Station
- ND St Gabriel's Church
- H Corbins Lane
- F South Harrow Station
- RD Grange Road
- RE Dudley Gardens
- RF Whitmore Road
- ->N Roxborough Avenue
- X1 St Georges Centre
- E Harrow Bus Station
- B Harrow Bus Station
- ->S Roxborough Avenue
- RA West Street
- RB Dudley Gardens
- RC Grange Road
- G South Harrow Station
- J Corbins Lane
- NH St Gabriel's Church
- NJ Northolt Park Station
- NK Danemead Grove
- NL Northolt Fire Station
- ->W Newmarket Avenue
- ->W Cheltenham Close
- ->W Kempton Avenue
- ->W Sussex Crescent
- ->S Dabbs Hill Lane
- Eastcote Lane
- M Islip Manor Park
- C Moat Farm Road
- A Northolt Station
- E Castle Road
- ->S Briar Crescent
- ->E Castle Road / Glamis Way
- The Fairway / Glamis Way
- Raglan Way
- Orchard Close / The Fairway
- ->E Oldfields Circus / Wadham Gardens
- ->S Currey Road
- Auriol Drive
- KK Greenford Station / Rockware Avenue
- II Westway Cross Retail Park