- KM Croydon Library
- E2 East Croydon Bus Station
- D Garrick Crescent
- E Fairfield Road
- F Selborne Road
- G Birdhurst Gardens
- BB Elmhurst School
- B Birdhurst Road / South Croydon Station
- St Paul's United Reformed Church
- ->E Old Palace of John Whitgift School
- ->E Manor Way
- ->E Ballards Way
- ->S Farley Road / Croham Valley Road
- ->S Littleheath Road
- ->S Brent Road
- J Queenhill Road
- K Foxearth Road
- T Selsdon Library
- ->S Hawthorn Crescent
- ->E Dove Close
- ->N Redwing Close
- Bullfinch Road
- ->E Kingfisher Gardens
- ->E Goldfinch Road
- ->N Peacock Gardens
- Sorrel Bank
- Q Pixton Way
- R Newlands Woods
- U Court Wood Lane / Bardolph Avenue
- S The Green
- T Yew Tree Way
- B Gravel Hill
- E Addington Village Interchange
- C Addington Village Interchange
- G Gravel Hill
- K Yew Tree Way
- L The Green
- M Crofters Mead
- N Newlands Woods
- P Pixton Way
- Sorrel Bank
- ->S Peacock Gardens
- ->W Goldfinch Road
- ->W Kingfisher Gardens
- ->W Bullfinch Road
- ->W Dove Close
- ->N Ravenshead Close
- ->N Hawthorn Crescent
- A Selsdon Library
- F Queenhill Road
- ->N Brent Road
- ->N Littleheath Road
- ->N Farley Road / Croham Valley Road
- ->N Ballards Way
- ->W Manor Way
- ->W Old Palace of John Whitgift School
- ->W Campden Road
- A Birdhurst Road / South Croydon Station
- AA Elmhurst School
- H Birdhurst Gardens
- J Coombe Road
- K Selborne Road
- L Fairfield Road
- M Garrick Crescent
- E6 East Croydon Station
- KJ Park Street