Stop The Polka Theatre - bus 93 - live times arrivals
- FC Putney Bridge Station
- FE Putney Bridge
- R St Mary's Church / Putney Pier
- L Putney Exchange
- E Putney Station
- P Lytton Grove
- R Putney Hill / Green Man
- PD Tibbet's Corner
- PE Inner Park Road
- PF Albemarle
- ->S Queensmere Road
- ->S Parkside Hospital
- A Calonne Road
- B Parkside Avenue
- C Wimbledon War Memorial
- D Marryat Road
- E High Street / Wimbledon Village
- S Wimbledon Hill Road
- D Wimbledon Station
- X Wimbledon Theatre
- SU The Polka Theatre
- SV Merton Road
- SJ Morden Road / South Wimbledon Station
- SK Morden Road Tram Stop
- B Dorset Road
- D Kenley Road
- G London Road / Morden Station
- K Morden Court
- MA Morden South Station
- MB Chalgrove Avenue
- MU South Thames College
- MC London Road / the George
- MD Rutland Drive
- EH Tudor Drive
- SJ Ash Road
- HA Stonecot Hill / Garth Road
- HB St Anthony's Hospital
- HC Langley Avenue
- HD North Cheam Sports Club
- K North Cheam / Sainsbury's
- D North Cheam / Queen Victoria
- X Hayes Crescent
- Y Priory Road
- Q Priory Road
- S Malden Road / Priory Road
- H Church Hill Road
- C North Cheam / Queen Victoria
- HJ North Cheam Sports Club
- HK Langley Avenue
- HL St Anthony's Hospital
- HM Stonecot Hill / Garth Road
- SK Burleigh Road
- SL Sutton Common Road
- ME Lower Morden Lane
- MF Rutland Drive
- MH South Thames College
- MJ Chalgrove Avenue
- MK Morden South Station
- L Morden Court
- A Morden Station
- ->N Dorset Road
- SL Morden Road Tram Stop
- SM Morden Road / South Wimbledon Station
- ST Merton Road
- SW The Polka Theatre
- Y Wimbledon Theatre
- G Wimbledon Bus Station
- L Wimbledon Station
- R Wimbledon Hill Road
- P High Street / Wimbledon Village
- Q Marryat Road
- R Wimbledon War Memorial
- S Parkside Avenue
- T Calonne Road
- ->N Parkside Hospital
- ->N Queensmere Road
- PX Albemarle
- PK Tibbet's Corner
- PW Tibbet's Ride
- M Putney Hill / Green Man
- N Lytton Grove
- C St John's Avenue
- B Putney Station
- M Putney Exchange
- T St Mary's Church / Putney Pier
- AP Putney Bridge Station