Stop Turnham Green Station - bus 94 - detailed timetable
- U Charles I I Street
- Y Regent Street / St James's
- E Piccadilly Circus
- M Conduit Street / Hamleys Toy Store
- RC Oxford Circus Station
- OR Oxford Street / John Lewis
- BX Selfridges
- P Marble Arch Station
- A Marble Arch / Bayswater Road
- B Hyde Park Street
- LD Victoria Gate
- LC Lancaster Gate Station
- LG Leinster Terrace
- D Porchester Terrace
- A Queensway Station
- S Palace Court
- H Notting Hill Gate Station
- E Notting Hill Gate Stn / Hillgate St
- HA Holland Park
- HB Holland Park Station
- HC Norland Square
- HD Royal Crescent
- E Shepherd's Bush Station
- J Shepherd's Bush Road
- K Goldhawk Road Station
- SF St Stephens Avenue
- SG Cathnor Road
- SH Paddenswick Road
- SJ Askew Road
- SK Flanchford Road
- ->W Abinger Road
- MM Turnham Green Station
- M Esmond Road
- U Ramillies Road
- V Acton Green
- CC Acton Green
- L The Orchard
- LL Turnham Green Station
- ->E Abinger Road
- SA Flanchford Road
- SB Askew Road
- SC Paddenswick Road
- SD Cathnor Road
- SE St Stephen's Avenue
- L Goldhawk Road Station
- M Shepherd's Bush Road
- N Shepherds Bush Green
- X Shepherd's Bush Station
- HJ Royal Crescent
- HK Norland Square
- HL Holland Park Station
- D Notting Hill Gate Stn / Hillgate St
- M Palace Garden
- C Queensway Station
- LF Leinster Terrace
- LE Lancaster Gate
- LK Lancaster Gate Station
- LB Victoria Gate
- D Hyde Park Street
- C Marble Arch / Bayswater Road
- L Marble Arch Station
- BC Selfridges
- OF Oxford Circus Station / John Lewis
- RG Oxford Circus Station
- T Conduit Street / Hamleys Toy Store
- F Piccadilly Circus
- U Charles I I Street