Stop Holwell Place - bus H11 - live times arrivals
- A Mount Vernon Hospital
- J Thirlmere Gardens
- K Holy Trinity School
- L The Avenue
- M The Glen
- G Dene Road
- D Northwood Station
- ->E Church Road
- ->S Emmanuel Church
- ->S Hallowell Road
- H Northwood Health Centre
- Northwood Hills Circus
- L Northwood School
- PA Crossway
- PB Cuckoo Hill
- PL West End Lane
- PM Granville Place
- C Pinner Station
- A Pinner Library
- G Holwell Place
- ->S Eastcote Road
- ->S Whittington Way
- ->E Compton Rise
- ->E Rayners Lane
- ->E Suffolk Road
- NV Church Drive
- NL Imperial Drive
- NN Elm Drive
- WL Shaftesbury Avenue
- WM Drury Road
- WS Treve Avenue
- WT Lascelles Avenue
- X1 St Georges Centre
- E Harrow Bus Station
- D Harrow Bus Station
- WX Lascelles Avenue
- WA Drury Road
- WB Shaftesbury Avenue
- NP Elm Drive
- NR Imperial Drive
- NT Church Drive
- ->W Suffolk Road
- ->W Rayners Lane
- ->W Compton Rise
- ->W Cannon Lane
- Hereford Gardens
- ->N Cannon Lane
- H Holwell Place
- B Pinner Station
- D Love Lane
- PP Granville Place
- PR West End Lane
- PS Cuckoo Hill
- PT Crossway
- Northwood School
- E Northwood Hills Circus
- G Northwood Health Centre
- ->W Northwood Iron Bridge
- ->N Hallowell Road
- ->N Emmanuel Church
- ->W Church Road
- C Northwood Station
- H Dene Road
- P The Glen
- R Myrtleside Close
- S Holy Trinity School
- ->W Thirlmere Gardens
- D Mount Vernon Hospital