Stop Creek Road / Norman Road - bus N1 - live times arrivals
- SF Titmuss Avenue
- SG Southwood Road
- SH Hawksmoor School
- F Gallions Reach Health Centre
- A Thamesmead Town Centre
- D Linton Mead Primary School
- Hoveton Road
- NE Nickelby Close
- NG Eastgate Close
- NH Lister Walk
- SE Poplar Place
- SJ Thamesmead / Carlyle Road
- ->S Southmere Lake
- B Harrow Manorway / Yarnton Way
- BA Overton Road
- D Harrow Manorway / Abbey Wood Station
- K Conference Road
- ->W Greening Street
- ->W Mcleod Road / Bostall Lane
- ->W Bostall Gardens
- ->S Cassilda Road
- ->S Basildon Road / Bostall Hill
- WE Plumstead Corner / Rockmount Road
- WH Plumstead High St / the Plumstead Centre
- WJ Bannockburn Road
- WK Lakedale Road
- WM Plumstead Road / Plumstead Station
- WP Greenwich Community College
- ->W Maxey Road
- D Woolwich Station
- U Beresford Sq / Woolwich Arsenal Stn
- A Woolwich Ferry
- DG Kingsman Street
- DC Prospect Vale
- U Warspite Road
- V Cleveley Close
- W Greenwich Trust School
- B Woolwich Road / Charlton Lane
- D Stone Lake Retail Park
- F Charlton Station / Woolwich Road
- ->W Woolwich Road / Gallions Road
- ->W Woolwich Road / Victoria Way
- J Rainton Road
- D Kemsing Road
- Q Marlton Street
- ->W Calvert Road
- A Vanbrugh Hill
- L Tyler Street
- G Trafalgar Road / Maze Hill
- T Trafalgar Estate
- G National Maritime Museum
- B Greenwich Church Street
- W Creek Road / Norman Road
- G Creekside
- H Macmillan Students Village
- A Deptford High Street
- N Abinger Grove
- P Deptford Fire Station
- Q Deptford Park School
- ->N Bestwood Street
- N Bush Road
- Q Warndon Street
- RE Corbetts Lane
- GP Lynton Road
- GQ Anchor Street
- PG Southwark Park Road / St James's Road
- PH Reverdy Road
- U Alscot Road
- V Spa Road
- J Grange Road / Caledonian Market
- BJ Bricklayer's Arms / Tower Bridge Road
- BS Bricklayer's Arms / New Kent Road
- BT Rodney Place
- N Elephant & Castle / New Kent Road
- A Elephant & Castle / London Road
- P St George's Circus
- Q The Old Vic
- K Waterloo Station / Tenison Way
- P Waterloo Bridge / South Bank
- T Lancaster Place
- F Aldwych / Kingsway
- P Holborn Station
- S Drury Lane
- T Tottenham Court Road
- Z New Oxford Street
- E Museum Street
- M Kingsway / Holborn Station
- S Aldwych / Drury Lane
- N Waterloo Bridge / South Bank
- E Waterloo Station / Waterloo Road
- S The Old Vic
- T St George's Circus
- E Elephant & Castle / London Road
- K Elephant & Castle / New Kent Road
- BA Rodney Place
- BC Bricklayer's Arms / New Kent Road
- BH Bricklayer's Arms / Tower Bridge Road
- N Grigg's Place
- P Fendall Street
- Q Spa Road
- R Alscot Road
- ->E Harris Academy
- PA Southwark Park Road / St James's Road
- PB Anchor Street
- GS Lynton Road
- GT Galleywall Road / South Bermondsey Stn
- RL Beamish House
- RM Corbetts Lane
- RN Warndon Street
- J Surrey Quays Shopping Centre
- L Surrey Quays Station
- M Lower Road / Surrey Quays Station
- ->S Bestwood Street
- T Deptford Park School
- V Deptford Fire Station
- W Abinger Grove
- ->E Sayes Court Estate
- C Deptford High Street
- D Macmillan Students Village
- Z Creekside
- Y Creek Road / Norman Road
- A Greenwich Tn Ctr / Cutty Sark Stn
- F National Maritime Museum
- S Trafalgar Estate
- H Trafalgar Road / Maze Hill
- K King William Lane
- J Tyler Street
- D Vanbrugh Hill
- P Marlton Street
- E Kemsing Road
- H Rainton Road
- ->E Woolwich Road / Victoria Way
- ->E Woolwich Road / Gallions Road
- E Charlton Station / Woolwich Road
- C Stone Lake Retail Park
- A Woolwich Road / Charlton Lane
- S Greenwich Trust School
- ->E Yateley Street
- T Warspite Road
- DE Frances Street
- ->E Kingsman Street
- ->E Woolwich Ferry
- Y John Wilson Street / Powis Street
- T Thomas Street / Greens End
- N Woolwich Arsenal Station
- K Woolwich
- ->E Maxey Road
- A Plumstead Bus Garage
- C Plumstead Station
- D Lakedale Road
- F Plumstead High Street / Police Station
- H Purrett Road
- K Plumstead Corner / Church Manorway
- ->N Basildon Road / Bostall Hill
- ->N Cassilda Road
- ->E Bostall Gardens
- ->E Mcleod Road / Bostall Lane
- ->E Greening Street
- H Conference Road
- C Abbey Wood Station
- A Harrow Manorway / Lensbury Way
- ->N Southmere Lake
- SK Thamesmead / Carlyle Road
- SD Poplar Place
- NA Curlew Close
- NB Lister Walk
- NC Manordene Road
- ND Nickelby Close
- Hoveton Road
- E Linton Mead Primary School
- A Thamesmead Town Centre
- G Gallions Reach Health Centre
- SA Hawksmoor School
- SB Southwood Road
- SC Titmuss Avenue