Stop Creekside - bus N199 - live times arrivals
- SA St Mary Cray Station
- S Murray Road
- SG Nugent Retail Park
- SH Stanley Way
- ST Kent Road
- P High Street / Carlton Parade
- W High Street / Church Hill
- U Walnuts Centre
- S High Street / Orpington War Memorial
- J Tubbenden Lane
- A Orpington Station
- CA Pound Court Drive
- CE Crofton Lane / Crofton Road
- CF St Thomas Drive
- CH Place Farm Avenue
- ->N Crofton School
- ->N Jersey Drive
- C Queensway / Petts Wood Station
- E Petts Wood Library
- F Crescent Drive
- G Oxhawth Crescent / East Arm
- H Oxhawth Crescent / West Arm
- J Southborough Lane / Blackbrook Lane
- K The Fairway
- L Southborough Library
- BD Newton Terrace
- BU Bromley Common / the Crown
- BV Southlands Road
- BH Homesdale Road
- BJ Bertha James Day Centre
- TA Cromwell Avenue
- B Bromley South Station
- V Elmfield Road / the Mall
- Q Bromley Civic Centre
- P Bromley Town Hall
- Z High Street / Market Square
- F Bromley Magistrates Court
- ->N Farwig Lane
- ->N Warner Road
- DD Park Avenue
- DE Bromley Court Hotel
- DF Bromley Hill Cemetery
- DJ Ashgrove Road
- DK Bromley Road / Downham Way
- SU Old Bromley Road
- SV Green Man Community Hub
- SW Southend Lane
- BA Catford Police Station
- BB Bellingham Road
- BC Newquay Road
- BD Inchmery Road
- ->N Bargery Road
- W Bromley Road / Lewisham Town Hall
- A The Catford Centre
- B Rosenthal Road
- HF Mount Pleasant Road
- HH Lewisham Hospital
- HJ Lewisham Park
- HL Lewisham Fire Station
- O Molesworth Street / Riverdale House
- G Lewisham Station
- ED Blackheath Rise
- EC Morden Hill
- D Sparta Street
- E Greenwich South Street / Blackheath Road
- F Ashburnham Grove
- R Greenwich Station
- H Greenwich High Road / Roan Street
- B Greenwich Church Street
- W Creek Road / Norman Road
- G Creekside
- H Macmillan Students Village
- A Deptford High Street
- N Abinger Grove
- P Deptford Fire Station
- R Deptford Park School
- S Riverside Youth Club
- ->N Windlass Place
- ->N Grove Street / Plough Way
- ->W Dunnage Crescent
- ->W Yeoman Street
- S Surrey Quays Station
- P Rotherhithe Police Station
- B1 Canada Water Bus Station
- R Neptune Street / St Olaves Estate
- C Southwark Park
- B Drummond Road
- A Bermondsey Station
- C St James's Road
- D Jamaica Road / Abbey Street
- E Dockhead
- A Tanner Street
- T Boss Street
- M Unicorn Theatre
- S London Bridge Station
- M London Bridge
- Q Monument Station
- MA Cannon Street Station
- SH St Paul's Churchyard
- SJ St Paul's Cathedral
- F City Thameslink Stn / Ludgate Circus
- ->W Fetter Lane
- ->W Chancery Lane
- P The Royal Courts of Justice
- G Aldwych / Australia House
- R Aldwych / Drury Lane
- U Savoy Street
- J Bedford Street
- K Trafalgar Square / Charing Cross Stn
- G Trafalgar Square / Charing Cross Stn
- A Southampton Street / Covent Garden
- D Aldwych
- L The Royal Courts of Justice
- ->E Fetter Lane
- E Ludgate Circus
- G Ludgate Hill / Old Bailey
- SK St Paul's Cathedral
- ME Mansion House Station
- MB Cannon Street Station
- P Monument Station
- Y London Bridge
- R London Bridge Station
- H Hay's Galleria
- J Abbots Lane
- J Unicorn Theatre
- K Tower Bridge Road
- S Boss Street
- H Dockhead
- J Jamaica Road / Abbey Street
- D Bermondsey Station
- E Drummond Road
- F Southwark Park
- S Neptune Street / St Olaves Estate
- Y Surrey Quays Road
- B2 Canada Water Bus Station
- E Rotherhithe Police Station
- K Surrey Quays Shopping Centre
- L Surrey Quays Station
- M Lower Road / Surrey Quays Station
- ->E Yeoman Street
- ->E Dunnage Crescent
- ->S Grove Street / Plough Way
- ->S Windlass Place
- X Riverside Youth Club
- Y Deptford Park School
- V Deptford Fire Station
- W Abinger Grove
- ->E Sayes Court Estate
- C Deptford High Street
- D Macmillan Students Village
- Z Creekside
- Y Creek Road / Norman Road
- A Greenwich Tn Ctr / Cutty Sark Stn
- E Greenwich Town Centre / Nelson Road
- K Greenwich High Road / Royal Hill
- L Greenwich Station
- A Ashburnham Grove
- B Greenwich South Street / Blackheath Road
- C Sparta Street
- EE Morden Hill
- EF Blackheath Rise
- B Lewisham Station
- W Lewisham Centre
- Z Morley Road
- HN Lewisham Fire Station
- HP Lewisham Park
- HR Lewisham Hospital
- HS Mount Pleasant Road
- G Rosenthal Road
- D The Catford Centre
- Y Bromley Road / Lewisham Town Hall
- ->S Inchmery Road
- BM Newquay Road
- BN Catford Bus Garage
- BQ Bellingham Road
- BS Catford Police Station
- ST Southend Lane
- SX Green Man Community Hub
- DL Old Bromley Road
- DA Bromley Road / Downham Way
- DB Ashgrove Road
- DC Bromley Hill Cemetery
- DG Bromley Court Hotel
- ->S Park Avenue
- ->S Warner Road
- ->S Farwig Lane
- A Bromley Magistrates Court
- I High Street / Market Square
- K Bromley Town Hall
- T Bromley Civic Centre
- X Bromley High Street / the Mall
- Z Bromley South Station
- G Cromwell Avenue
- BA Bertha James Day Centre
- BB Homesdale Road
- BA Southlands Road
- BB Bromley Common / the Crown
- BC Crown Lane Spur
- M Southborough Library
- E The Fairway
- P Southborough Lane / Blackbrook Lane
- Q Oxhawth Crescent / West Arm
- R Southborough Lane / Baptist Church
- S Crescent Drive
- B Queensway / Petts Wood Station
- ->S Jersey Drive
- ->S Crofton School
- CJ Place Farm Avenue
- CK St Thomas Drive
- CP Crofton Road / Crofton Lane
- CR Pound Court Drive
- B Orpington Station
- H Tubbenden Lane
- R High Street / Orpington War Memorial
- T Walnuts Centre
- V High Street / Broomhill Road
- D Goodmead Road
- L Carlton Parade
- SV Kent Road
- SJ Nugent Retail Park
- SD St Mary Cray / Station Approach
- SA St Mary Cray Station