Stop Red Lion Street - bus N55 - detailed timetable
- OG Holles Street
- OJ Great Titchfield St / Oxford Circus Stn
- V Tottenham Court Road Station
- Y Tottenham Ct Rd Stn / New Oxford St
- E Museum Street
- F Bloomsbury Square
- G Red Lion Street
- CA Gray's Inn Road
- CU Rosebery Avenue
- E Farringdon Road
- J St John Street
- BS Goswell Road
- BZ Central Street
- J St Luke's Music Education Centre
- F Old Street Station
- Y Great Eastern Street
- X Shoreditch Town Hall
- R Hackney Road / Columbia Road
- HG Hoxton Station
- HH Queensbridge Road
- HJ Warner Place
- HK Pritchards Road
- O Cambridge Heath Station
- R Mare Street / Victoria Park Road
- LP King Edward's Road
- LC Mare Street / Well Street
- LQ St Thomas's Square
- A Hackney Town Hall
- J Hackney Central Station
- L Amhurst Road / Hackney Downs Station
- R Mare Street / Narrow Way
- U Hackney Baths
- Z Glenarm Road
- L Clapton Girls' Academy
- H Clapton Pond
- L Lea Bridge Roundabout
- S Lea Bridge Road / Upper Clapton Road
- V Chatsworth Road
- W Lee Valley Ice Centre
- X Lee Valley Riding Centre
- LE Perth Road
- LF Emmanuel Parish Church
- LG Markhouse Road
- LH Rochdale Road
- EA Shrubland Road
- EC High Road Leyton / Bakers Arms
- EH Lea Bridge Road / Bakers Arms
- EJ Leyton Green Road
- EK Shernhall Street
- EL Peterborough Road
- A Whipps Cross / Wood Street
- V Whipps Cross Bus Stand
- E Whipps Cross Hospital
- T James Lane
- ->S Sir Alfred Hitchcock Hotel
- PP Leyton Way
- H Cambridge Road
- K Blake Hall Road
- B Wanstead Station
- SH Wanstead Place
- SU New Wanstead
- SV Sylvan Road
- SW Heronwood Hospital
- T Charnwood Drive
- Z George Lane / Chigwell Road
- E South Woodford Station
- H George Lane Shopping Centre
- L Southend Road
- X Chelmsford Road
- Y Empress Avenue
- Z Churchill Memorial
- S Chingford Lane
- U Woodford Green / Broadmead Road
- V Monkhams Lane
- FH St Thomas of Canterbury Church
- FS St Thomas of Canterbury Church
- A Monkhams Lane
- B Woodford Green / Broadmead Road
- C Chingford Lane
- D Churchill Memorial
- G St Albans Road
- ->S Churchfields
- M Southend Road
- G George Lane Shopping Centre
- C South Woodford Station
- B George Lane / Chigwell Road
- S Charnwood Drive
- SQ Heronwood Hospital
- ST Sylvan Road
- SD High Street / Hermon Hill
- SE Wanstead Place
- D Wanstead High St / Wanstead Station
- C Wanstead Station / George Green
- T Felstead Road
- U Bush Road
- R Bush Road / Green Man Roundabout
- NN Leyton Way
- ->N Sir Alfred Hitchcock Hotel
- S James Lane
- H Whipps Cross Hospital
- M Whipps Cross Bus Stand
- WA Peterborough Road
- WB Essex Road
- WD Fraser Road
- WE Lea Bridge Road / Bakers Arms
- WH High Road Leyton / Bakers Arms
- WJ Shortlands Road
- LJ Manor Road
- LK Markhouse Road
- LL Emmanuel Parish Church
- LM Bloxhall Road
- LN Lea Bridge Station
- N Lea Valley Riding Centre
- P Lee Valley Ice Centre
- Q Chatsworth Road
- U Wattisfield Road
- T Lea Bridge Roundabout
- E Clapton Pond
- G Millfields Road
- N Clapton Girls' Academy
- V Hackney Baths
- S Clapton Square
- Y Pembury Circus
- H Hackney Central Station
- B Hackney Town Hall
- LZ St Thomas's Square
- LA Mare Street / Well Street
- LE King Edward's Road
- Q Mare Street / Victoria Park Road
- N Cambridge Heath Station
- HC Pritchard's Road
- HD Warner Place
- HE Queensbridge Road
- HF Hoxton Station
- S Shoreditch Church
- W Shoreditch Town Hall
- YA Great Eastern Street
- L Old Street Station
- G Bunhill Row
- H St Luke's Music Education Centre
- BX Goswell Road
- ->W Clerkenwell Road / St John Street
- K Clerkenwell Green
- D Hatton Garden
- CW Rosebery Avenue
- CP Gray's Inn Road
- A Red Lion Street
- B Bloomsbury Square
- C Museum Street
- X Tottenham Court Road Station
- YB Tottenham Court Road Station
- OM Wardour Street
- OP Great Titchfield St / Oxford Circus Stn