Stop Limehouse Station - bus N550 - live times arrivals
- C Canning Town Bus Station
- I Leamouth / Orchard Place
- BC Leamouth Road
- X East India Station
- BD Baffin Way
- Q Aspen Way
- H Coldharbour
- J Stewart Street
- K St John's Park
- CQ Cubitt Town School
- CR Pier Street
- C Christ Church Isle of Dogs
- D Island Gardens Station
- E East Ferry Road
- F Langbourne Place
- M Harbinger School / Masthouse Ter. Pier
- N St Edmund's School
- P Crews Street
- R Arnhem Wharf Primary School
- S Sir John Mcdougall Gardens
- T Barkantine Clinic / Hutchings Street
- U Byng Street
- V Marsh Wall / Heron Quay
- K Canary Wharf Station
- J Canada Square South / Canary Wharf Stn
- G Canary Wharf Station
- E West India Avenue
- B Westferry Circus / Canary Wharf Pier
- WK Westferry Station
- WL Salter Street
- WM Limehouse Police Station
- LH Limehouse Town Hall
- LJ Lowell Street
- LK Limehouse Station
- LL Stepney Methodist Church
- LM Marion Richardson School
- ->W Exmouth Estate
- St Mary's & St Michael's Church
- E Watney Market
- T New Road
- U Henriques Street
- J Aldgate East Station
- R Aldgate Station
- W St Katharine Cree
- Z St Mary Axe
- E Bank Station / Cornhill
- L Poultry / Bank Station
- SH St Paul's Churchyard
- SJ St Paul's Cathedral
- F City Thameslink Stn / Ludgate Circus
- ->W Fetter Lane
- ->W Chancery Lane
- P The Royal Courts of Justice
- G Aldwych / Australia House
- R Aldwych / Drury Lane
- U Savoy Street
- J Bedford Street
- H Charing Cross Station
- S Trafalgar Square
- B Trafalgar Square
- F Charing Cross Stn / Trafalgar Square
- A Southampton Street / Covent Garden
- D Aldwych
- L The Royal Courts of Justice
- ->E Fetter Lane
- E Ludgate Circus
- G Ludgate Hill / Old Bailey
- SK St Paul's Cathedral
- ME Mansion House Station
- K Bank Station / Poultry
- D Bank Station / Cornhill
- R Bishopsgate
- LR St Mary Axe
- X St Katharine Cree
- Aldgate Station
- H Aldgate East Station
- P Henriques Street
- Q New Road
- F Watney Market
- St Mary's & St Michael's Church
- ->E Arbour Square
- LA Stepney Methodist Church
- LB Limehouse Station
- LC Lowell Street
- LD Salmon Lane
- LE Burdett Road
- WU Limehouse Police Station
- WX Westferry Station
- C West India Avenue
- F Canary Wharf Station
- H Canada Square North
- L Canary Wharf Station
- A Marsh Wall / Heron Quay
- B Cuba Street
- C Barkantine Clinic / Hutchings Street
- D Sir John Mcdougall Gardens
- E Arnhem Wharf Primary School
- F Crews Street / the Space Theatre
- G St Edmund's School
- H Harbinger School / Masthouse Ter. Pier
- A Maconochies Road
- B East Ferry Road
- J Island Gardens Station
- K George Green's School
- CS Christ Church Isle of Dogs
- CT Pier Street
- CU Cubitt Town School
- L St John's Park
- M Stewart Street
- E The Blue Bridge
- F Coldharbour
- R Aspen Way
- BA Baffin Way
- O East India Station
- BB Leamouth Road
- I Leamouth / Orchard Place
- H Stephenson Street
- A Canning Town Station
Other Transport