Stop Forest Road / Slade Green Station - bus N89 - live times arrivals
- G Erith Town Centre / Cross Street
- K James Watt Way
- ->E Manor Road / Aperfield Road
- ->E Bilton Road
- ->S Slade Green Road / Manor Road
- ->S Grange Way
- L Hazel Road
- A Forest Road / Slade Green Station
- K Hazel Road
- H Bridge Road / Slade Green Road
- ->W Masefield Close
- ->W Bridge Road / Northend Road
- ->N Northend Road / Colyers Lane
- ->W Myrtle Close
- ->W Colyers Walk
- K Northumberland Way
- N Hurst Road
- L Brook Street
- M Rydal Drive
- A Barnehurst Station
- NU Lyndhurst Road
- NV Long Lane
- NW Bexleyheath Bus Garage
- NQ Tower Road
- M Bexleyheath Clock Tower
- A Trinity Place
- BM Bexleyheath / Lion Road
- BN Upton Road
- BQ Crook Log / Dallin Road
- BT Park View Road / Crook Log
- BU Bethel Road
- BV Guy, Earl of Warwick
- R Welling High Street / Upper Wickham Lane
- P Bellegrove Road / Churchfield Road
- G Ruskin Drive
- D Ruskin Avenue / Welling Station
- F Bellegrove Road / Welling Way
- X Bellegrove Road / Sherwood Road
- SJ Eastcote Road
- SK Oxleas Wood / Woodlands Farm
- SL Eaglesfield Road
- SM Memorial Hospital
- SN Red Lion Lane
- SP Shooters Hill Road / Well Hall Road
- SQ Shooters Hill Road / Baker Road
- ST Pallet Way
- ->W Charlton Park Lane
- A Weyman Road
- B Hervey Road
- C Old Dover Road
- D Shooters Hill Road / Kidbrooke Park Road
- E Kidbrooke Grove
- F St Germans Place
- L Montpelier Row
- E Blackheath Station
- A Blackheath Hospital
- C St Margaret's Church / Brandram Road
- E The Squirrels
- L Lockmead Road
- E Lewisham Police Station
- G Lewisham Station
- ED Blackheath Rise
- EC Morden Hill
- D Sparta Street
- N Egerton Drive
- T Deptford Bridge Station
- F Florence Road
- W New Cross Station
- Y Marquis of Granby / Goldsmiths
- O New Cross Gate Station
- K New Cross Bus Garage
- A New Cross Fire Station
- QA Pomeroy Street
- QB Queen's Road Peckham Station
- QC Carlton Grove
- J Clayton Road
- R Hanover Park
- S Harris Academy
- T Peckham Road / Southampton Way
- V Vestry Road
- U St Giles Church
- L Camberwell Church St / Camberwell Grn
- F Camberwell Green
- C Medlar Street
- U Wyndham Road
- Z Bowyer Place
- X Camberwell Road / Albany Road
- M Westmoreland Road
- H East Street
- C Larcom Street
- Z Heygate Street
- V Elephant & Castle Station
- A Elephant & Castle / London Road
- U St George's Circus
- V Pocock Street
- SA Southwark Station
- SD Stamford Street
- C Blackfriars Station / South Entrance
- J Blackfriars Station / North Entrance
- ->W Fetter Lane
- ->W Chancery Lane
- P The Royal Courts of Justice
- G Aldwych / Australia House
- R Aldwych / Drury Lane
- U Savoy Street
- J Bedford Street
- H Charing Cross Station
- G Trafalgar Square / Charing Cross Stn
- A Southampton Street / Covent Garden
- D Aldwych
- L The Royal Courts of Justice
- ->E Fetter Lane
- E Ludgate Circus
- L Blackfriars Station / North Entrance
- D Blackfriars Station / South Entrance
- SC Stamford Street
- SB Southwark Station
- W Pocock Street
- Y St George's Circus
- D Elephant & Castle / London Road
- R Elephant & Castle Station
- A Larcom Street
- F East Street
- J Westmoreland Road
- N Camberwell Road / Albany Road
- N Bowyer Place
- A Medlar Street
- K Camberwell Church St / Camberwell Grn
- ->E St Giles Church
- N Vestry Road
- P Peckham Road / Southampton Way
- Q Harris Academy
- B Peckham Library
- G Peckham Post Office
- QD Carlton Grove
- QH Queen's Road Peckham Station
- QJ Pomeroy Street
- B New Cross Fire Station
- G New Cross Bus Garage
- R New Cross Gate Station
- T Marquis of Granby
- V New Cross Station
- E Deptford High Street
- Y Deptford Bridge
- ->E Egerton Drive
- C Sparta Street
- EE Morden Hill
- EF Blackheath Rise
- B Lewisham Station
- K Lockmead Road
- F The Squirrels
- D St Margaret's Church / Brandram Road
- B Blackheath Hospital
- D Blackheath Station
- G Royal Parade
- K Montpelier Row
- M St Germans Place
- P Shooters Hill Road / Stratheden Road
- R Shooters Hill Road / Kidbrooke Park Road
- S Shooters Hill Road / Eastbrook Road
- T Hervey Road
- U Weyman Road
- ->E Charlton Park Lane
- SA Pallet Way
- SB Shooters Hill Road / Baker Road
- SC Shooters Hill Road / Academy Road
- SD Red Lion Lane
- SE Memorial Hospital
- SF Eaglesfield Road
- SG Oxleas Wood / Woodlands Farm
- SH Eastcote Road
- W Bellegrove Road / Sherwood Road
- E Bellegrove Road / Welling Way
- C Central Avenue / Welling Station
- H Deepdene Road
- S Welling High Street
- BA Guy, Earl of Warwick
- BB Bethel Road
- BC Crook Log Leisure Centre
- BD Crook Log / Dallin Road
- BK Upton Road
- BL Bexleyheath / Lion Road
- B Trinity Place
- S Mayplace Rd West / Bexleyheath Clock Twr
- NG Foresters Crescent
- NS Bexleyheath Bus Garage
- ->N Long Lane
- NT Lyndhurst Road
- B Barnehurst Station
- E Rydal Drive
- F Brook Street
- J Barnehurst Avenue
- W Hurst Road
- Y Northumberland Way
- ->E Colyers Walk
- ->E Myrtle Close
- ->S Northend Road / Colyers Lane
- ->E Bridge Road / Northend Road
- ->E Masefield Close
- E Bridge Road / Slade Green Road
- L Hazel Road
- A Forest Road / Slade Green Station
- K Hazel Road
- ->N Grange Way
- ->N Slade Green Road / Manor Road
- ->W Bilton Road
- ->W Manor Road / Frobisher Road
- N Compton Place
- M Erith Health Centre
- P Colebrooke Street
- ->W Erith Town Centre / Riverside