Przyst. Chase Side / Southgate High Street - autobus 125 - najbliższe kursy
- ->S Colindale Station
- ->E Aerodrome Road / Colindale Gardens
- ->E Heritage Avenue
- ->E Rowan Drive
- ->E Greyhound Hill
- ->E Church End
- S The Quadrant
- ->E Alexandra Road
- ->E Great North Way
- ->E Broughton Avenue
- ->N Crooked Usage
- P Arden Road
- Q St Mary's Avenue
- G St Mary's Church
- E Dollis Park / Finchley Central Stn
- C Finchley Central Station
- A Long Lane
- NN Victoria Park
- KK Granville Road
- L Woodberry Grove
- K Tally Ho Corner
- C Torrington Park
- B Ravensdale Avenue
- E Finchley Park
- F Derwent Crescent
- ->N Swan Lane
- I Whetstone High Road / Friern Barnet Lane
- C Whetstone / the Griffin
- ->E Ashcroft Court
- BA Myddelton Park
- BB Pollard Road
- BC Beresford Avenue
- C Dene Road
- B Osidge Library
- G Hampden Square
- H Manor Drive
- R Avenue Road
- K Southgate Asda
- L Chase Side / Southgate High Street
- B Southgate Station
- J St Thomas Road
- ->E Queen Elizabeth's Drive
- ->E Park Gate
- Church Hill
- ->N Eversley Mount
- ->E Eversley Park Road
- ->E Bazile Road
- ->E Hadley Way
- Z Old Park Ridings
- F Green Dragon Lane
- H Shrubbery Gardens
- K Station Road
- K Station Road
- S Shrubbery Gardens
- T Green Dragon Lane
- X Old Park Ridings
- C Hadley Way
- ->W Bazile Road
- ->W Eversley Park Road
- ->S Chaseville Park Road
- ->S Eversley Mount
- Church Hill
- ->W Park Gate
- P Queen Elizabeth's Drive
- R St Thomas Road
- G Southgate Station
- M Chase Side / Southgate High Street
- N Southgate Asda
- S Avenue Road
- E Chase Side
- F Hampden Way
- J Osidge Library
- K Dene Road
- BP Beresford Avenue
- BR Pollard Road
- BQ Myddelton Park
- ->W Oakleigh Park North
- D Whetstone / the Griffin
- E Whetstone High Road / Friern Barnet Lane
- H Swan Lane
- J Derwent Crescent
- K Finchley Park
- A Ravensdale Avenue
- D Tally Ho Corner
- P North Finchley Bus Station
- Q Christchurch Avenue
- LL Granville Road
- MM Victoria Park
- B Long Lane
- D Finchley Central Station
- H Hendon Lane
- S East End Road
- L Gravel Hill
- M St Mary's Avenue
- N Arden Road
- ->S Crooked Usage
- ->W Broughton Avenue
- ->W Great North Way
- ->W Alexandra Road
- T Hendon / the Quadrant
- R Church End
- ->W Greyhound Hill
- ->W Rowan Drive
- ->W Heritage Avenue
- ->W Aerodrome Road / Colindale Gardens
- CA Colindale Station
- ->S Colindale Station
Inny środek transportu