Przyst. Greenwood Road - autobus 394 - najbliższe kursy
- W Liverpool Road / Chapel Market
- H Angel Islington / City Road
- UV Central Street
- S Windsor Terrace
- U Shoreditch Police Station
- PH Murray Grove
- PJ Bletchley Street
- PK Cropley Street
- XE Baring Street
- XL Eagle Wharf Road
- XM Mintern Street
- PN Buckland Street
- PP Pitfield Street
- PV Falkirk Street / Hoxton Station
- WB Museum of the Home
- KC St Leonard's Hospital
- WU Whiston Road
- WV Thurtle Road
- WA Haggerston Park
- ->E Nicholl Street
- W Pritchard's Road
- X Ada Street
- LL Sheep Lane
- LM Broadway Market
- ->N Middleton Road
- G Richmond Road / Greenwood Road
- ->E Navarino Road
- LT Martello Street
- A Hackney Town Hall
- D Morning Lane / Trelawney Estate
- S Homerton Terrace
- C Fenn Street
- D Homerton Hospital / Homerton Row
- ->E Homerton Hospital
- E Homerton Hospital / Wardle Street
- A Banister House
- T Ponsford Street
- C Trelawney Estate
- LS Richmond Road / Martello Street
- ->W Navarino Road
- H Greenwood Road
- ->S Middleton Road
- LN Broadway Market
- LK Sheep Lane
- U Pritchard's Road
- ->W Nicholl Street
- WZ Haggerston Park
- WX Thurtle Road
- WY Kingsland Road
- KM St Leonard's Hospital
- KN Hoxton Station / Museum of the Home
- PS Falkirk St / Hackney Community College
- PT Crondall Street / Hoxton Street Market
- PA Pitfield Street
- PB Buckland Street
- PC New North Road
- PD Murray Grove / Provost Estate
- PE Bletchley Street
- W Shoreditch Police Station
- Q Windsor Terrace
- UW Central Street
- J Angel Islington
- R Pentonville Road / Baron Street
- ->E Tolpuddle St / Islington Police Station