Przyst. Westbury Avenue Baptist Church - autobus 444 - najbliższe kursy
- B Chingford Station
- E Station Road / Chingford Station
- G Stanley Road
- K Station Road / the Green
- GA Balgonie Road
- HD Endlebury Road
- HE Colvin Gardens
- HW Mapleton Road
- N Grove Road
- M Larkswood School
- K Brook Crescent
- G Chingford Mount
- T Chase Lane School
- ->W Hall Lane / Waltham Way
- ->S Lower Hall Lane
- ->S Cork Tree Retail Park
- ->W Harbet Road / Cooks Ferry
- J Ravenside Trading Estate
- A Montagu Road
- ->W York Road
- C Angel Corner
- A Angel Corner / Silver Street Station
- U Somerset Road / North Middlesex Hospital
- Y Hawthorn Road
- Z Bull Lane / North Middlesex Hospital
- ->W Wigston Close
- WP Plowman Close / Wilbury Primary School
- SJ Pasteur Gardens
- SK Empire Parade
- RK White Hart Lane
- RL Courtman Road
- RM Gospatrick Road
- RN Granville Road
- NV Boundary Road
- ->W Westbury Avenue Baptist Church
- P Turnpike Lane Station
- AP Turnpike Lane Bus Station
- T Turnpike Lane Bus Station
- ->E Westbury Avenue Baptist Church
- NE Lordship Lane
- RA Granville Road
- RB Gospatrick Road
- RC Courtman Road
- RD White Hart Lane
- NA Empire Parade
- EL Derwent Avenue
- EM Plowman Close / Wilbury Primary School
- ->E Wigston Close
- W Bull Lane / North Middlesex Hospital
- X Hawthorn Road
- P Somerset Road / North Middlesex Hospital
- B Angel Corner / Silver Street Station
- F Angel Corner
- ->E York Road
- B Montagu Road
- H Eley Trading Estate
- ->E Harbet Road / Cooks Ferry
- ->N Cork Tree Retail Park
- ->N Lower Hall Lane
- ->N Waltham Way
- S Chase Lane School
- D Chingford Mount
- H Brook Crescent
- R Larkswood School
- P Grove Road
- HA Mapleton Road
- HB Silverthorn Centre
- HC Colvin Gardens
- GT Endlebury Road
- GS Balgonie Road
- L Station Road / the Green
- H Buxton Road
- B Chingford Station
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