Przyst. St George's Hospital / Lanesborough Wing - autobus 493 - najbliższe kursy
- A George Street
- G Eton Street
- ->E Church Road
- SH St Mary's Grove
- SD Manor Road / North Sheen Station
- S Sheen Court
- T Berwyn Road
- U Graemesdyke Avenue
- V Temple Sheen Road
- C East Sheen
- G Thornton Road
- H Kings Road
- J Priests Bridge
- D Priory Lane
- E Queens Ride
- P Rosslyn Park Rugby Football Club
- R Fairacres
- U Roehampton University / Main Entrance
- V Queen Mary's Hospital
- T Clarence Lane
- E Medfield Street
- H Dover Park Drive
- J Exeter House
- K Hayward Gardens
- L Putney Heath / Green Man
- R Putney Hill / Green Man
- PL Withycombe Road
- PM Keevil Drive
- PN Windlesham Grove
- ->S Southmead Primary School
- ->E Augustus Road
- U Southfields Station
- V Southdean Gardens
- V Woodspring Road
- E Bathgate Road
- W Wimbledon Tennis Club & Museum
- ->S Somerset Road
- W Belvedere Avenue
- E High Street / Wimbledon Village
- S Wimbledon Hill Road
- A Alexandra Road / Wimbledon
- ->N Wimbledon Magistrates Court
- HE Strathearn Road
- HF Avondale Road
- HG Gap Road / Plough Lane
- HJ Haydons Road
- SL Wimbledon Stadium
- SM Hazelhurst Estate
- HL Lambeth Cemetery
- HM St George's Hospital
- HN Nutwell Street
- L Tooting Broadway Station
- N Garratt Lane / Tooting Broadway
- HP Fountain Road / Garratt Lane
- HB St George's / University of London
- HB St George's / University of London
- HC St George's Hospital / Lanesborough Wing
- HV St George's Hospital / Main Entrance
- HD St George's Hospital / St James Wing
- HE St George's Hosp / Knightsbridge Wing
- ->N Cranmer Terrace
- HS Fairlight Road
- M Tooting Broadway Station
- K Tooting Broadway / Sth Thames College
- HF Nutwell Street
- HG Longley Road
- HH St George's Hospital
- HJ Lambeth Cemetery
- SN Hazelhurst Estate
- SP Wimbledon Road
- SR Wimbledon Stadium
- HT Haydons Road
- HR Avondale Road
- HS Strathearn Road
- ->W Wimbledon Magistrates Court
- B Alexandra Road / Wimbledon
- N Francis Grove
- R Wimbledon Hill Road
- P High Street / Wimbledon Village
- U Belvedere Avenue
- ->N Somerset Road
- A Wimbledon Tennis Club & Museum
- ->N Bathgate Road
- B Woodspring Road
- A Southdean Gardens
- B Southfields Station
- ->W Augustus Road
- ->N Southmead Primary School
- ->E Southmead Road
- ->N Stapleford Close
- PQ Linstead Way
- PP West Hill / Beaumont Road
- PR Tibbet's Corner
- PW Tibbet's Ride
- C Putney Heath / Green Man
- D Hayward Gardens
- E Exeter House
- J Dover Park Drive
- K Medfield Street
- A Roehampton Lane / Danebury Avenue
- S Clarence Lane
- W Queen Mary's Hospital
- X Roehampton University / Main Entrance
- Q Fairacres
- S Rosslyn Park Rugby Football Club
- M Queen's Ride
- N Priory Lane
- K Priests Bridge
- L Kings Road
- N Richmond Park Road
- D East Sheen
- X Temple Sheen Road
- Y Berwyn Road
- Z Sheen Court
- SE Manor Road / North Sheen Station
- SF Sheen Road / Kings Road
- ->W Church Road
- L Eton Street
- ->E Richmond Bus Station