Przyst. Southgate Asda - autobus 688 - najbliższe kursy
- ->E Jewish Free School
- H Lyndsey Park
- F Kingsbury Circle / the Mall
- C Kingsbury Circle
- W Cowbridge Road
- DD Queensbury Morrisons
- D The Honeypot
- K St Bride's Avenue
- ->E Merlin Crescent
- ->E Bacon Lane
- HC Deansbrook Road
- P Spring Villa Road
- K St Margarets Church
- H Manor Park Crescent
- A Edgware Station
- N Broadfields Avenue
- A Farm Road
- B Cloister Gardens
- C Ashbourne Grove
- D Hale Grove Gardens
- F Mill Hill Broadway Station
- M Mill Hill Circus / Flower Lane
- ->E Birkbeck Road
- M Wise Lane
- ->N Shakespeare Road
- Holcombe Hill
- ->N Mill Hill / the Rising Sun
- ->E Hendon Wood Lane
- ->E West End House
- ->E Totteridge Common / Mill Hill
- ->E Ellern Mede Farm
- ->E Horseshoe Lane
- ->E Grange Avenue
- ->E Totteridge War Memorial
- ->E The Orange Tree
- ->E Pine Grove
- ->E Links Drive
- ->E Longland Drive
- A Totteridge & Whetstone Station
- C Whetstone / the Griffin
- ->E Ashcroft Court
- BA Myddelton Park
- BB Pollard Road
- BC Beresford Avenue
- C Dene Road
- B Osidge Library
- G Hampden Square
- H Manor Drive
- R Avenue Road
- K Southgate Asda
- L Chase Side / Southgate High Street
- H Southgate Station
- G Southgate Station
- M Chase Side / Southgate High Street
- N Southgate Asda
- S Avenue Road
- E Chase Side
- F Hampden Way
- J Osidge Library
- K Dene Road
- BP Beresford Avenue
- BR Pollard Road
- BQ Myddelton Park
- ->W Oakleigh Park North
- D Whetstone / the Griffin
- B Totteridge & Whetstone Stn
- ->W Longland Drive
- ->W Links Drive
- ->W Totteridge Green
- ->W The Orange Tree
- ->W Totteridge War Memorial
- ->W Grange Avenue
- ->W Horseshoe Lane
- ->W Ellern Mede and Denham Farms
- ->W Totteridge Common / Mill Hill
- ->W West End House
- ->W Hendon Wood Lane
- ->S Mill Hill / the Rising Sun
- Mill Hill Village / Hammers Lane
- ->S Shakespeare Road
- ->W Wise Lane
- ->W Birkbeck Road
- H Flower Lane / Sacred Heart Church
- C Mill Hill Broadway Station
- E Beech Walk
- F Downhurst Avenue
- G Cloister Gardens
- H Farm Road
- L Broadfields Avenue
- M Edgware Library
- J Manor Park Crescent
- N Whitchurch Lane
- HD Deansbrook Road
- ->W Summit Close
- ->W Bacon Lane
- ->W Merlin Crescent
- L St Bride's Avenue
- M Bridgewater Gardens
- N Mollison Way
- BB Queensbury Station
- EE Queensbury Morrisons
- X Princes Avenue
- D Kingsbury Circle
- E Kingsbury Circle / the Mall
- G Lyndsey Park
- ->E Jewish Free School
Inny środek transportu