Przyst. Albany Leisure Centre - autobus N279 - najbliższe kursy
- C Trafalgar Sq / Charing Cross Stn
- L Leicester Square Station
- M Cambridge Circus
- A Denmark Street
- C Tottenham Court Road Station
- A Goodge Street Station
- X Warren Street Station
- S Hampstead Road / Drummond Street
- J Robert Street
- A Mornington Crescent Station
- J Camden High Street
- Y Camden Town Station
- N Camden Town / Camden Road
- G Camden Road Station
- E St Pancras Way
- ->E Murray Street
- E Sandall Road
- F Torriano Avenue
- G Brecknock Road
- H Hilldrop Road
- K Hillmarton Road
- L Chambers Road
- C Holloway / Nags Head
- H Seven Sisters Road / Nags Head
- NP Hornsey Road
- NT Durham Road
- X Fonthill Road
- R Finsbury Park Station
- L Finsbury Park / Blackstock Road
- Q Alexandra Grove
- F Manor House Station
- G Woodberry Grove
- S Amhurst Park
- Vartry Road
- TV Heysham Road
- TW St Ann's Road
- TX Elizabeth Road
- B Birstall Road / Seven Sisters Stn
- D Seven Sisters Station
- G College of North East London
- V Tottenham Town Hall
- F Tottenham Police Station
- G St Loys Road
- R Lordship Lane
- S Tottenham Sports Centre
- T Tottenham Hotspur Football Club
- U White Hart Lane Station
- V Brantwood Road
- W Nutfield Close
- L Colyton Way
- H Angel Corner
- Brettenham Road
- L Shrubbery Road
- M Edmonton Police Station
- N Edmonton Green Station
- B Edmonton Green Bus Station
- P Monmouth Road
- LJ Bounces Road
- LL Bury Street
- LM Forest Road / Jubilee Park
- LN Tramway Avenue
- LP Cuckoo Hall Lane
- LR Nightingale Road
- M Orchard Road
- K Ponders End Park
- H Southbury Road
- G Durants Road
- EJ Enfield College
- EK Green Street
- EL Carterhatch Lane
- EM Oatlands Road
- EN Durants School
- E Ingersoll Road
- F Albany Leisure Centre
- G Turkey Street Station
- H Totteridge Road
- J Oakhurst Road
- C Mandeville Road
- G Bullsmoor Lane / Mollison Avenue
- Waltham Cross Bus Station
- B Waltham Cross Bus Station
- H Arlington Crescent
- A Bullsmoor Lane
- B Oakhurst Road
- K Totteridge Road
- L Turkey Street Station
- M Albany Leisure Centre
- N Ingersoll Road
- EA Oatlands Road
- EB Carterhatch Lane
- EC Green Street
- ED Durants Park
- EE Enfield College
- J Southbury Road
- L Ponders End Park
- LZ Orchard Road
- LB Nightingale Road
- LC Cuckoo Hall Lane
- LD Tramway Avenue
- LE Forest Road / Jubilee Park
- LF Bounces Road
- LH Monmouth Road
- G Edmonton Green Bus Station
- J Edmonton Police Station
- K Shrubbery Road
- G Brettenham Road
- E Angel Corner
- K Colyton Way
- L Nutfield Close
- M White Hart Lane Station
- N Tottenham Hotspur Football Club
- P Tottenham Sports Centre
- A Lordship Lane
- B Scotland Green
- CA Dowsett Road
- DA Tottenham Police Station
- W Tottenham Town Hall
- G College of North East London
- A Stonebridge Rd / Seven Sisters Stn
- TR Elizabeth Road
- TS St Ann's Road
- TT Heysham Road
- Vartry Road
- U Seven Sisters Road / Amhurst Park
- V Woodberry Grove
- H Manor House Station
- R Portland Rise
- P Alexandra Grove
- M Finsbury Park / Blackstock Road
- S Finsbury Park Station
- T Isledon Road
- NM Berriman Road
- NN Sobell Centre
- R Holloway Road
- X Caledonian Road
- M Hillmarton Road
- A Hilldrop Road
- B Brecknock Road
- C Camden Park Road
- D Sandall Road
- ->W Murray Street
- F Camden Road Station
- S Camden Town Station
- V Pratt Street
- C Mornington Crescent Station
- W Silverdale
- K William Road
- U Warren Street Station /euston Road
- N Capper Street
- D Goodge Street Station
- B Stephen Street
- D Cambridge Circus
- J Leicester Square Station
- K St Martin's Place
- D Trafalgar Square / Charing Cross Stn