Przyst. Knightsbridge Station / Harrods - autobus N74 - najbliższe kursy
- A Baker Street Station
- G Dorset Street
- H Portman Square
- BZ Orchard Street / Selfridges
- R Marble Arch Station / Park Lane
- S Dorchester Hotel
- A London Hilton Hotel
- N Hyde Park Corner Station
- KC Knightsbridge Station / Harrods
- KU Brompton Square
- N Victoria and Albert Museum
- S South Kensington Station
- V Queensberry Place
- GT Natural History Museum / Cromwell Road
- GU Gloucester Road Station
- GV Ashburn Gardens
- U Cromwell Hospital
- J Cromwell Road / Earls Court Road
- K Nevern Place
- A Earls Court Station
- L Earls Court Road / Old Brompton Road
- M Redcliffe Gardens
- O West Brompton Station
- BB Empress State Building / West Brompton
- BC North End Road
- BD Mulgrave Road
- BE Fulham Pools
- HE Fulham Cross
- HL Lillie Road
- HM Fulham Cemetery
- FM Kingwood Road
- Lambrook Terrace
- FN Bishop's Park Road
- FO Fulham Road
- FU Fulham High Street / New Kings Road
- FE Putney Bridge
- R St Mary's Church / Putney Pier
- L Putney Exchange
- D Putney Station
- K Putney Arts Theatre
- S Putney Methodist Church
- T Putney Leisure Centre
- K Woodborough Road
- L Dover House Road
- P Rosslyn Park Rugby Football Club
- R Fairacres
- U Roehampton University / Main Entrance
- V Queen Mary's Hospital
- T Clarence Lane
- C Roehampton Library
- Z Mount Angelus Road
- ->W Minstead Gardens
- Danebury Avenue / Minstead Gardens
- L Mount Angelus Road
- B Roehampton Library
- A Roehampton Lane / Danebury Avenue
- S Clarence Lane
- W Queen Mary's Hospital
- X Roehampton University / Main Entrance
- Q Fairacres
- S Rosslyn Park Rugby Football Club
- F Gipsy Lane
- G Woodborough Road
- L Putney Leisure Centre
- M Putney Methodist Church
- J Putney Arts Theatre
- B Putney Station
- M Putney Exchange
- S St Mary's Church / Putney Pier
- FH Putney Bridge
- FJ Fulham High Street
- FK Bishop's Park Road
- FL Kingwood Road
- HP Fulham Cemetery
- HQ Lillie Road
- HC Bothwell Street
- HD Fulham Cross
- BL Fulham Pools
- BM Mulgrave Road
- BN North End Road
- BA Empress State Building / West Brompton
- P West Brompton Station
- B Earls Court Square
- C Earls Court Station
- D West Cromwell Road / Tesco
- G Earls Court Road
- GJ Collingham Road / Sainsbury's
- GK Gloucester Road Station
- GL Natural History Museum / Queens Gate
- E South Kensington Station
- M Victoria and Albert Museum
- KW Brompton Square
- KB Harrods
- KD Knightsbridge Station
- W Hyde Park Corner Station
- Y London Hilton Hotel
- T Dorchester Hotel
- W Marble Arch
- M Portman Street / Selfridges
- K George Street
- R Dorset Street
- W Old Marylebone Town Hall
- D Baker Street Station
Inny środek transportu