Przyst. Worcester Park Station - autobus S3 - najbliższe kursy
- MY Malden Manor Station
- ->N Manor Drive North Malden
- ->E The Manor Drive
- B Worcester Park Station
- ->W Green Lane / Hazlemere Gardens
- ->E Browning Avenue
- ->E Dorchester Road / Wimborne Close
- ->S Andrews Close
- HC Langley Avenue
- HD North Cheam Sports Club
- L North Cheam / Sainsbury's
- HJ North Cheam Sports Club
- HK Langley Avenue
- ->E Staines Avenue
- ->S Henley Avenue
- ->E Windsor Avenue
- Kimpton Road
- ->E Tesco Sutton Cheam
- SD Stayton Road
- ->S Broomloan Lane
- M Sutton Common Station
- ->E Sutton Common Road
- B Sutton Green
- C High Street / Marshalls Road
- E Benhill Avenue
- I Manor Place
- J Times Square
- K Sutton Police Station
- O Sutton Station
- ->E Cedar Road
- ->N Langley Park Road
- ->N Lind Road
- ->E Lower Road
- ->E Benhill Road
- ->E Byron Avenue
- ->E Browning Avenue Carshalton
- ->E Coleridge Avenue / Westmead Road
- ->S Carshalton Station
- ->W Pound Street
- ->S Cambridge Road / Carlshalton Road
- ->N Cambridge Road / Banstead Road
- ->S Downside Road
- ->S Staplehurst Road
- ->S Crossways
- ->S West Way
- ->S Pine Walk
- ->S Banstead Road South / Downs Road
- L Royal Marsden Hospital
- N Royal Marsden Hospital / Downs Road
- D Belmont Station
- C Belmont Station
- M Royal Marsden Hospital / Downs Road
- L Royal Marsden Hospital
- ->E Downs Road / Banstead Road South
- ->N Pine Walk
- ->N West Way
- ->N Crossways
- ->N Staplehurst Road
- ->N Downside Road
- ->E Carshalton Road / Cambridge Road
- ->W West Street
- ->N Carshalton Station
- ->W Colston Avenue
- ->W Coleridge Avenue / Westmead Road
- ->W Byron Avenue
- ->W Benhill Road
- ->W Thicket Road
- ->S Vernon Road / Lind Road
- ->W Lind Road
- ->S Langley Park Road
- ->W Cedar Road
- ->W Brighton Road
- P Sutton Station
- R Sutton / Grove Road
- V Sutton Civic Centre
- W St Nicholas Centre
- Y Crown Road
- A Sutton Green
- ->W Angel Hill
- X Sutton Common Station
- ->W Broomloan Lane
- ->W Tesco Sutton Cheam
- ->S Kimpton Road
- ->W Windsor Avenue
- Henley Avenue
- ->W Staines Avenue
- HC Langley Avenue
- HD North Cheam Sports Club
- L North Cheam / Sainsbury's
- HJ North Cheam Sports Club
- ->N Canterbury Close
- ->W Dorchester Road / Wimborne Close
- ->W Browning Avenue
- ->S Green Lane / Hazlemere Gardens
- C Worcester Park Station
- ->W The Manor Drive
- ->S Manor Drive North Malden
- MZ Malden Manor Station
Inny środek transportu