Przyst. Whittingham Primary Academy - autobus W15 - najbliższe kursy
- D Morning Lane / Trelawney Estate
- S Homerton Terrace
- C Fenn Street
- D Homerton Hospital / Homerton Row
- E Homerton Hospital / Wardle Street
- L Glyn Road
- A Adley Street
- B Kingsmead Estate
- ->E Hackney Marshes Playing Fields
- S Hackney Marshes
- T Ruckholt Road Bridge
- U Spitalfields Market
- G Oliver Road
- D Leyton High Road / Leyton Station
- P Francis Road
- ->N Central Avenue
- AE Hampton Road
- AD Drayton Road
- A Leytonstone Stn / Grove Green Road
- ->N Clarendon Road
- ->N Elim Pentecostal Church
- ->N Essex Road South
- P Clare Road
- N Whipps Cross Hospital / A & E
- J Whipps Cross Hospital / Main Entrance
- M Whipps Cross Bus Stand
- WA Peterborough Road
- WB Essex Road
- WK Leyton Green Road
- ND Lea Bridge Road / Bakers Arms
- NE Hoe Street / Bakers Arms
- NH Grove Road
- L Queen's Road
- W Walthamstow Central Station
- E Walthamstow Bus Station
- M Selborne Walk
- S Walthamstow Market / High Street
- A Church of St Michael & All Angels
- B Forest Road
- C Renness Road
- D Hillyfield Primary School
- E St Andrews Road
- ->N Whittingham Primary Academy
- ->N Billet Road
- ->W Higham Hill Road
- Higham Hill / Cogan Avenue
- ->N William Morris School
- ->E Lawrence Avenue
- ->E Higham Hill Road
- ->S Whittingham Primary Academy
- F St Andrews Road
- G Hillyfield Primary School
- H Renness Road
- J Forest Road
- K Church of St Michael & All Angels
- L Walthamstow Market / High Street
- N Selborne Walk / Vernon Road
- P Selborne Walk
- R Walthamstow Central Station
- B Walthamstow Bus Station
- V Walthamstow Central Station
- K Grosvenor Park Road
- SJ Grove Road
- SK Bakers Avenue
- EH Lea Bridge Road / Bakers Arms
- EJ Leyton Green Road
- EK Shernhall Street
- EL Peterborough Road
- A Whipps Cross / Wood Street
- V Whipps Cross Bus Stand
- K Whipps Cross Hospital / Main Entrance
- L Whipps Cross Hospital / A & E
- Q Clare Road
- ->W Peterborough Road
- ->S Essex Road South
- ->S Elim Pentecostal Church
- ->S Clarendon Road
- B Leytonstone Stn / Grove Green Road
- BB Hampton Road
- ->S Ashville Road
- ->W Central Avenue
- R Francis Road
- C Leyton High Road / Leyton Station
- E York Road
- H Oliver Road
- K Spitalfields Market
- L Ruckholt Road Bridge
- R Hackney Marshes
- ->W Hackney Marshes Playing Fields
- N Kingsmead Estate
- P Marsh Hill
- M Glyn Road
- HB Brooksby's Walk / Homerton Station
- F Homerton Hospital
- A Banister House
- T Ponsford Street
- C Trelawney Estate
- A Hackney Town Hall
Inny środek transportu