Ост. Harmondsworth Lane - автобус U3 - ближайшие рейсы
- 18 Heathrow Central Bus Station
- BS Newport Road
- BT Bath Road / Newport Road
- BW Compass Centre
- H Pinglestone Close
- M Skyport Drive
- N Candover Close
- P Harmondsworth Lane
- ->N Harmondsworth Road
- ->W Berberis Walk
- ->S Laurel Lane Primary School
- ->W Great Benty
- ->W Magnolia Street
- ->N Roseary Close
- ->W Mill Road
- ->N The Green
- ->N Swan Road
- G Ferrers Avenue
- A Yiewsley High Street
- U Yiewsley Library
- V Milburn Drive
- M Apple Tree Avenue
- E Violet Avenue
- T Colham Road
- HA Hillingdon Hospital
- HG Peel Way
- ->N St Laurence Church
- Y Huxley Close
- BB Brunel University
- BC Villier Street
- BL Uxbridge High School
- W Manor Waye - St Andrew's Park
- X St Andrew's Church
- U Civic Centre
- P Crown Walk
- D Belmont Road
- N Uxbridge Station
- B Uxbridge High Street
- R Crown Walk
- T Vine Street
- Y St Andrew's Church
- Z Manor Waye - St Andrew's Park
- BK Uxbridge High School
- BA Brunel University
- X Huxley Close
- ->S St Laurence Church
- ->E Pield Heath
- HE Peel Way
- HB Hillingdon Hospital
- A Colham Road
- D Violet Avenue
- L Apple Tree Avenue
- A Otterfield Road
- W Yiewsley Library
- B Yiewsley High Street
- H Ferrers Avenue
- ->S Swan Road
- ->S The Green
- ->S Mill Road
- ->S Roseary Close
- ->E Magnolia Street
- ->E Great Benty
- ->N Laurel Lane Primary School
- ->E Berberis Walk
- ->S Harmondsworth Road
- A Harmondsworth Lane
- B Candover Close
- C Skyport Drive
- G Pinglestone Close
- BA Compass Centre
- BB Newport Road
- BC Sipson Way / Blunts Avenue
- ->S Heathrow Central Bus Station