Stop Mottingham / Prince of Wales - bus 161 - live times arrivals
- A North Greenwich Station
- MC Millennium Village / Oval Square
- MD Millennium Village South
- ME Millennium Leisure Park West
- MF Millennium Leisure Park East
- H Rainton Road
- ->E Woolwich Road / Victoria Way
- ->E Woolwich Road / Gallions Road
- E Charlton Station / Woolwich Road
- C Stone Lake Retail Park
- A Woolwich Road / Charlton Lane
- S Greenwich Trust School
- ->E Yateley Street
- T Warspite Road
- DE Frances Street
- ->E Kingsman Street
- ->E Woolwich Ferry
- Y John Wilson Street / Powis Street
- V Calderwood Street
- M Woolwich Arsenal Station
- E Claydown Mews
- F Gunner Lane
- Y Haha Road / Grand Depot Road
- H2 Queen Elizabeth Hospital / Main Entrance
- H4 Queen Elizabeth Hospital / West Entrance
- H6 Greenwich Heights
- SB Shooters Hill Road / Baker Road
- SC Shooters Hill Road / Academy Road
- WR Well Hall Road / Shooters Hill Road
- WS Well Hall Road / Broad Walk
- L Well Hall Road / Dunblane Road
- M Arbroath Road
- N Well Hall Road / Well Hall Roundabout
- S Well Hall Road / Kidbrooke Lane
- D Eltham Station / Sherard Road
- E Eltham Station / Lassa Road
- G Eltham Church / Well Hall Road
- K Eltham Church / Court Yard
- ->S Royal Blackheath Golf Club
- MD Mottingham Station
- ME Mottingham Road / Court Road
- MF Mottingham / Prince of Wales
- MH Mottingham Road / Ravensworth Road
- D Elmstead Lane
- E Oakdene Avenue
- C Ingleby Way
- D Albany Road
- K Chislehurst / Ashfield Lane
- P Centre Common Road / War Memorial
- T Chislehurst War Memorial
- T Chislehurst War Memorial
- N Centre Common Road / War Memorial
- L Chislehurst / Ashfield Lane
- A Chislehurst Sainsbury's
- B Ingleby Way
- P Oakdene Avenue
- Q Elmstead Lane
- MJ Mottingham Road / Ravensworth Road
- MK Mottingham / Prince of Wales
- ML Court Road / Mottingham Road
- MN Mottingham Station
- ->N Royal Blackheath Golf Club
- J Eltham Church / Court Yard
- F Eltham Church / Well Hall Road
- C Eltham Station / Sherard Road
- Y Well Hall Road / Kidbrooke Lane
- Q Well Hall Road / Well Hall Roundabout
- H Dickson Road
- J Arbroath Road
- K Well Hall Road / Dunblane Road
- WX Well Hall Road / Broad Walk
- SP Shooters Hill Road / Well Hall Road
- H5 Greenwich Heights
- H3 Queen Elizabeth Hospital / West Entrance
- H1 Queen Elizabeth Hospital / Main Entrance
- K Ha-Ha Road / Repository Road
- C Gunner Lane
- D Naafi Messing Store
- L Woolwich Arsenal Station
- G Vincent Road / Woolwich Arsenal Station
- ->N Burrage Road
- D Woolwich Station
- U Beresford Sq / Woolwich Arsenal Stn
- A Woolwich Ferry
- DG Kingsman Street
- DC Prospect Vale
- U Warspite Road
- V Cleveley Close
- W Greenwich Trust School
- B Woolwich Road / Charlton Lane
- D Stone Lake Retail Park
- F Charlton Station / Woolwich Road
- ->W Woolwich Road / Gallions Road
- ->W Woolwich Road / Victoria Way
- J Rainton Road
- MH Millennium Leisure Park East
- MJ Millennium Leisure Park West
- MK Millennium Village South
- ML Millennium Village / Oval Square
- E North Greenwich Station
Other Transport