Przyst. Oatlands Road - autobus 121 - najbliższe kursy
- S Turnpike Lane Bus Station
- O Coleraine Road
- J Wood Green Shopping City
- H Wood Green Station
- BP Haringey Civic Centre
- BQ Nightingale Road
- BR Arcadian Gardens
- BS Berkshire Gardens
- T Tottenhall Road
- L North Circular Road
- J Broomfield Lane
- D Palmers Green Station
- M Broomfield Park
- N Forestdale
- T Selborne Road
- U Ye Olde Cherry Tree
- V Meadway
- A Southgate College
- F Southgate Station
- W West Grove Primary School
- ->N Charter Way
- J Merrivale
- K Tregenna Close
- C Oakwood Station / Chase Road
- L Trent Park Golf Course
- ->E Lakeside
- A Cotswold Way
- B Links Side
- C Chase Ridings
- D The Ridgeway
- CC Enfield Chase Station
- E Enfield Town / Church Street
- K Enfield Town Station
- ->E Ladysmith Road
- M Cecil Avenue
- N Percival Road
- R Great Cambridge Road
- Q Baird Road
- S Crown Road / Southbury Station
- C Glyn Road
- G Durants Road
- EJ Enfield College
- EK Green Street
- EL Carterhatch Lane
- EM Oatlands Road
- EN Durants School
- E Ingersoll Road
- F Albany Leisure Centre
- G Turkey Street Station
- U Beaconsfield Road
- V Titchfield Road
- B Enfield Lock Station
- ->E Mollison Avenue
- ->E Causeway Bridge / River Lee
- ->E Gunner Drive
- ->S Canal Side Walk
- ->N Enfield Island Village
- ->N Enfield Island Village
- ->N Canal Side Walk
- ->W Gunner Drive
- ->W Causeway Bridge / River Lee
- ->W Ordnance Road / Mollison Avenue
- A Enfield Lock Station
- ->W Malvern Road
- W Beaconsfield Road
- L Turkey Street Station
- M Albany Leisure Centre
- N Ingersoll Road
- EA Oatlands Road
- EB Carterhatch Lane
- EC Green Street
- ED Durants Park
- EE Enfield College
- N Durants Road
- D Glyn Road
- B Enfield Bus Garage / Southbury Station
- T Crown Road
- H Baird Road
- J Great Cambridge Road
- K Percival Road
- L Cecil Avenue
- ->W Ladysmith Road
- N Enfield Town Station
- W Enfield Town / Cecil Road
- CA Enfield Chase Station
- H The Ridgeway
- J Chase Ridings
- K Links Side
- L Cotswold Way
- ->W Lakeside
- M Trent Park Golf Course
- A Oakwood Station
- G Tregenna Close
- H Merrivale
- ->S Charter Way
- U West Grove Primary School
- C Southgate Station
- S Southgate College
- A Meadway
- B Ye Olde Cherry Tree
- C Forestdale
- D Broomfield Park
- E Palmers Green Station
- H Palmers Green / the Triangle
- K Broomfield Lane
- M North Circular Road
- W Tottenhall Road
- BT Berkshire Gardens
- BU Arcadian Gardens
- BV Nightingale Road
- BW Canning Crescent
- BY Haringey Civic Centre
- D Wood Green Station
- GB Wood Green Shopping City
- K Brampton Park Road
- MA Coleraine Road
- M Turnpike Lane Station