Przyst. Cloister Gardens - autobus 240 - najbliższe kursy
- E Edgware Bus Station
- A Edgware Station
- N Broadfields Avenue
- A Farm Road
- B Cloister Gardens
- C Ashbourne Grove
- D Hale Grove Gardens
- F Mill Hill Broadway Station
- M Mill Hill Circus / Flower Lane
- ->E Birkbeck Road
- M Wise Lane
- ->N Shakespeare Road
- Mill Hill Village / the Ridgeway
- ->S Mill Hill School
- ->E St Vincent's School
- ->E Medawar Drive
- Engel Park
- Sanders Lane
- B Mill Hill East Station
- D Frith Lane
- J Holders Hill Circus
- ->S Hendon Cemetery
- Holders Hill Crescent
- ->S Great North Way
- ->S Ashley Lane
- F Florence Street
- U The Quadrant
- W Bell Lane
- L Brent Street / Green Lane
- M North Circular Road
- N Golders Manor Drive
- P Highfield Avenue
- R Woodstock Avenue
- S Hoop Lane
- GT Finchley Road
- GI Golders Green Station
- GI Golders Green Station
- GN Finchley Road
- A Hoop Lane
- B Woodstock Avenue
- C Limes Avenue
- D Golders Manor Drive
- E North Circular Road
- F Brent Street / Green Lane
- X Bell Lane
- V The Quadrant
- E Downage
- ->N Ashley Lane
- ->E Great North Way
- ->E Holders Hill Crescent
- ->N Hendon Cemetery
- K Holders Hill Circus
- L Frith Lane
- A Mill Hill East Station
- Sanders Lane
- Engel Park
- ->W Medawar Drive
- ->W St Vincent's School
- ->N Mill Hill School
- Mill Hill Village / Hammers Lane
- ->S Shakespeare Road
- ->W Wise Lane
- ->W Birkbeck Road
- H Flower Lane / Sacred Heart Church
- D Mill Hill Broadway Station
- E Beech Walk
- F Downhurst Avenue
- G Cloister Gardens
- H Farm Road
- L Broadfields Avenue
- M Edgware Library
- G Edgware Station
Inny środek transportu